2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Medical Quality of Service Analysis of Ultrasound Video Streaming over LTE Networks
verfasst von : Ali Alinejad, R. S. H. Istepanian, N. Philip
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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It is well known that 4G systems aim to provide such high speed, high capacity, and IP based personalized services for nomadic and mobile wireless environment. From the mobile health perspective, there are some restrictions to existing broadband wireless technologies and their strategies for different care services that can utilize the mobile broadband capabilities of 4G networks. In particular, the medical Quality of Service (m-QoS) issues and their guarantee to provide robust m-healthcare services with clinically acceptable quality.
In this paper, we address the relevant medical quality of service requirements for real-time ultrasound video streaming in LTE networks and the corresponding parameters that are specified from the doctors and clinical end perspective. The relevant performance analysis of medical video streaming model is validated using LTE OPNET® modeler.