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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

6. Methodology

verfasst von : Jörn H Bühring

Erschienen in: Private Banking and Wealth Management Futures 2030

Verlag: Springer Singapore

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In this final chapter, the design-inspired foresight approach is presented; this includes the preparations needed to engage with, and indeed, prepare, a panel of experts by adopting a design-inspired foresight process. Other success criterion are presented, and a step-by-step approach is discussed; this includes inspirations for critical thinking techniques, online survey tools, data analysis frameworks, and suggestions for post Delphi activities leading toward inventions of preferred, or indeed, desirable futures.

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Zurück zum Zitat De Brabandere L, Iny A (2013) Thinking in new boxes: a new paradigm for business creativity. Random House. De Brabandere L, Iny A (2013) Thinking in new boxes: a new paradigm for business creativity. Random House.
Zurück zum Zitat Curry A, Hodgson A (2008) Seeing in multiple horizons: connecting futures to strategy. J Fut Stud 13(1):1–20 Curry A, Hodgson A (2008) Seeing in multiple horizons: connecting futures to strategy. J Fut Stud 13(1):1–20
Zurück zum Zitat Inayatullah S (2008) Six pillars: futures thinking for transforming. Foresight 10(1):4–21 Inayatullah S (2008) Six pillars: futures thinking for transforming. Foresight 10(1):4–21
verfasst von
Jörn H Bühring
Springer Singapore

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