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Microwave properties of a double wire array

verfasst von: Oleg Rybin

Erschienen in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Ausgabe 5/2023


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In this paper, the problem of scattering of a plane harmonic electromagnetic wave on a double wire array is solved accurately. The array consists of two identical infinite wire gratings arranged in a free space. Each of the grids consists of parallel thin, infinitely long metal cylinders of circular cross section. The study considers the case when the electric vector of the incident wave is parallel to the wires. The expression for the total reflection coefficient is obtained in the dipole approximation for the case of \(s\)-polarization. Analysis of the spectrum of the total reflection coefficient in the subwavelength part of the microwave frequency range was carried out. The paper proposes a new approach for determining the effective relative permittivity and permeability, as well as the effective refractive index of the grating. The approach does not depend on the number of grating layers and allows to taking into account near-field couplings in homogenizing the grating. This approach also allowed us to describe the behavior of the reflectivity and obtain expressions for the effective parameters of the grating at and near the resonant frequency. The validation of all the approximations obtained in the study was carried out using a finite-difference time-domain electromagnetic simulator.

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It is assumed that the wires are so thin that there is only current along them, while transverse currents can be neglected.
Zurück zum Zitat Choudhury, P.K. (ed.): Metamaterials: Technology and Applications, 1st edn. CRC Press, New York (2021) Choudhury, P.K. (ed.): Metamaterials: Technology and Applications, 1st edn. CRC Press, New York (2021)
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Zurück zum Zitat Decker, M.T.: Transmission and reflection by a parallel wire grid. J. Res. Natl. Bureau Stand. D Radio Propag. 63, 87 (1959)CrossRef Decker, M.T.: Transmission and reflection by a parallel wire grid. J. Res. Natl. Bureau Stand. D Radio Propag. 63, 87 (1959)CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Kontorovich, M.I., Astrakhan, M.I., Akimov, V.P., Fersman, G.A.: Electrodynamics of Grid Structures, 1st edn. Radio i sviaz, Moscow (1987). (in Russian) Kontorovich, M.I., Astrakhan, M.I., Akimov, V.P., Fersman, G.A.: Electrodynamics of Grid Structures, 1st edn. Radio i sviaz, Moscow (1987). (in Russian)
Microwave properties of a double wire array
verfasst von
Oleg Rybin
Springer US
Erschienen in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Ausgabe 5/2023
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Elektronische ISSN: 1572-8137