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2024 | Buch

Mining Maintenance


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This book delves into the maintenance challenges faced by various mining engineering sectors. Covering aspects like policy selection, breakdown prediction, risk assessment, equipment monitoring, and implementation of preventive measures, it offers practical solutions. Focused on real-world scenarios, this book equips aspiring professionals with hands-on skills essential for effective maintenance management in mining industries. Each chapter begins with a clear introduction and is followed by a series of exercises, providing students with a solid grasp of fundamental concepts and their practical application.


1. Introduction to Maintenance
A good maintenance strategy is fundamental to the smooth running of any mining or other industrial operation. The careful planning of maintenance tasks can improve system reliability and minimize the costs associated with unplanned production downtime caused by equipment failure. This chapter outlines the knowledge and concepts essential for understanding the more advanced topics introduced in subsequent chapters.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
2. Introduction to Reliability Engineering
Assessing and improving reliability is the foundation of maintenance management and these processes are underpinned by exhaustive data collection and analysis.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
3. System Reliability
Complex systems comprise many smaller elements each of which has an intrinsic reliability; thus, overall system reliability depends on the individual reliabilities of its constituent elements. This chapter, then, looks at how large systems can be broken down into smaller units such that the system as a whole can be more easily analyzed.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
4. Reliability Functions
Galileo (1564–1642) stated that everything measurable must be measured, and what is not measurable must be made measurable. At the heart of these words is the idea that merely describing natural phenomena—qualitative data—is insufficient; true understanding can only be gained by the gathering and study of quantitative data.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
5. Corporate Maintenance Strategies
In this chapter, we explore some key corporate maintenance strategies, providing historical context and describing how these strategies have been shaped by changing business paradigms.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
6. Maintenance Costs
This chapter looks at the financial aspects of maintenance management providing a technical and organizational perspective. The aim of this chapter is to provide a framework for understanding how maintenance costs are forecast and calculated and to offer insight into how organizations can manage maintenance most efficiently: balancing costs against failure risk.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
7. Queueing Theory in Maintenance Service
The focus of this chapter is on the strategic dimensioning of maintenance services within an organization. To this end we look at the mathematical techniques used to model maintenance workflow. Specifically, we look at Queueing Theory and Monte Carlo simulation considering the relevant equations and approaches used in maintenance management. This chapter contains detailed examples of how these models can be used and how to interpret their results.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
8. Optimizing Standby Equipment Levels
To ensure the continuity of essential services and to meet contractual commitments, it is crucial to have a robust maintenance system in place. Such a system would provide an efficient repair or replacement service for damaged equipment to guarantee a minimum productive output while keeping costs within sustainable limits
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
9. Predictive Maintenance Techniques
Predictive maintenance techniques are essential for avoiding equipment failure and ensuring the efficient operation of production facilities. In this way, this chapter covers the theory behind and practical applications of various basic techniques, including vibration analysis for detecting mechanical anomalies, lubricant analysis for internal wear, ultrasonic analysis for small defects, thermography for thermal anomalies, and electrical analysis for electrical system integrity.
Carlos Sierra, Emilio Andrea
Mining Maintenance
verfasst von
Carlos Sierra
Emilio Andrea
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


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