2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Mobile-Based Distributed System for Managing Abandoned or Lost Pets
verfasst von : Daniel Garrote-Hildebrand, José-Luis Poza-Luján, Juan-Luis Posadas-Yagüe, José-Enrique Simó-Ten
Erschienen in: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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This paper presents the work in progress of a mobile-based distributed system which aims to minimize the social impact of abandoned or lost animals. System is based on the use of smart mobile devices to provide message warnings of animals localized. Messages are stored in a database to be processed. In order to enter data such as photography, audio and artificial images, system uses different mobile device interfaces. Data processing consists mainly in matching localized animals with lost animals, assigning abandoned animals at shelters and generating notifications for animal shelters or authorities. Currently, the system is in the development phase. The technical challenges in which we are working are to optimize data and metadata matching, and the management of message warning.