2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Modeling and Extraction of Effective Lateral Doping Profile Using the Relation of On-Resistance vs. Overlap Capacitance in (100) and (110)-Oriented MOSFETs
verfasst von : Seong-Dong Kim, Bin (Frank) Yang, Shreesh Narasimha, Andrew Waite, Karen Nummy, Linda Black, Haizhou Yin, Scott Luning
Erschienen in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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A comprehensive technique for the accurate extraction of the effective lateral doping abruptness and the spreading resistance components is applied to both Si (100) and Si (110) MOSFETs. The spreading resistance components under extension-to-gate overlap and spacer regions are successfully correlated to the lateral extension (EXT) doping abruptness by the relationship between on-resistance (R
) and overlap capacitance response (C
). The lateral doping profile difference is extracted between (100) and (110) PMOS, which successfully explains higher external resistance in measured (110) PMOS.