2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Modeling NAND Flash Memories for Circuit Simulations
verfasst von : L. Larcher, A. Padovani, P. Pavan, I. Rimmaudo, A. Calderoni, G. Molteni, F. Gattel, P. Fantini
Erschienen in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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In this paper, we will present the basic structure and the parameter extraction procedure for a compact model of a NAND Flash memory string working in Spicelike circuit simulators. To the author knowledge, this is the first Spice-like model of a NAND Flash memory string. This model is modular and simple to be implemented. It will allow accurately reproducing both DC and transient behavior of NAND Flash memories without increasing computational effort, thus becoming an indispensable tool for designers to optimize circuits especially in multi-level applications.