2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Modeling Value Evaluation of Semantics Aided Secondary Language Acquisition as Model Driven Knowledge Management
verfasst von : Yucong Duan, Christophe Cruz, Abdelrahman Osman Elfaki, Yang Bai, Wencai Du
Erschienen in: Computer and Information Science
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Many theories and solutions have been proposed for the improvement of the learning efficiency of secondary language(L2) learning. However neither an unified view on the functionality of semantics in aiding learning nor an objective measure of the efficiency improvement at theoretical level has been presented in existing literature. This situation hinders the efficient adoption of the semantics aided learning and the explicit planning of a semantics aided learning process. We aim to fill these gaps by adopting an evolutionary strategy towards approaching a holistic solution. Firstly we model the general learning process from cognitive linguistic perspective at the memory level. Then we justify the functionality of semantics aided approach according to specific conditions. Thereafter we propose the quantity measure for the improvement of learning efficiency in terms of reuse level for semantics aided secondary language learning from the perspective of value based analysis.