2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Modelling Mobile Object Activities Based on Trajectory Ontology Rules Considering Spatial Relationship Rules
verfasst von : Rouaa Wannous, Jamal Malki, Alain Bouju, Cécile Vincent
Erschienen in: Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications
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Several applications use devices and capture systems to record trajectories of mobile objects. To exploit these raw trajectories, we need to enhance them with semantic information. Temporal, spatial and domain related information are fundamental sources used to upgrade trajectories. The objective of semantic trajectories is to help users validating and acquiring more knowledge about mobile objects. In particular, temporal and spatial analysis of semantic trajectories is very important to understand the mobile object behaviour. This article proposes an ontology based modelling approach for semantic trajectories. This approach considers different and independent sources of knowledge represented by domain and spatial ontologies. The domain ontology represents mobile object activities as a set of rules. The spatial ontology represents spatial relationships as a set of rules. To achieve this approach, we need an integration between trajectory and spatial ontologies.