2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Modelling of Hot Electron Effects in GaN/AlGaN HEMT with AlN Interlayer
verfasst von : A. Brannick, N. A. Zakhleniuk, B. K. Ridley, L. F. Eastman, J. R. Shealy, W. J. Schaff
Erschienen in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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Physics-based numerical simulation of an AlGaN/GaN HEMT with additional A1N interlayer (IL) is carried out using both the drift-diffusion (DD) and hydrodynamic (HD) transport models. Assuming that free electrons are supplied by donor-like surface traps (STs) at the top of the AlGaN layer, we show that the A1N IL increases the 2D electron gas density and reduces the ST occupation. The HD model correctly describes ST recharging due to heating of the channel electrons and subsequent thermionic emission into the AlGaN layer. This recharging has a strong effect on channel transport, leading to the creation of a depletion domain, which expands towards the drain with increasing drain bias. The DD model does not include this effect and the depletion region remains unchanged as the drain bias increases.