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2021 | Buch

Modern Ferrites in Engineering

Synthesis, Processing and Cutting-Edge Applications


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This book summarizes the state-of-the-art knowledge on ferrites as well as the cutting-edge applications of these versatile materials. The main families of ferrites and their modern synthesis and processing methods are covered in this review book. Furthermore, the different morphologies of these materials and their current and incipient applications are also discussed.


Chapter 1. A Brief History of Ferrites
Magnetic ceramic materials composed mainly of iron (III) oxide are commonly known as “ferrites.” The first of these materials known to men was lodestone, a mineral form of magnetite (Fe3O4) that is naturally magnetized.
Sabrina Arcaro, Janio Venturini
Chapter 2. Structure of Ferrites
This chapter discusses the main families of ferrites, spinel, and hexaferrites, as well as some of the other possible crystal structures displayed by these materials.
Sabrina Arcaro, Janio Venturini
Chapter 3. Magnetic, Electrical, and Optical Properties of Ferrites
This chapter deals with the magnetic, electrical, and optical properties of spinel ferrites and their relation with the chemical composition and structural arrangements of these materials. The main parameters of a magnetic hysteresis curve are discussed, and common values for the different families of ferrites are presented. The effect of smaller crystallite sizes is explained, and the mechanism for power dispersion under an alternating magnetic field is discussed. Electron hopping mechanisms are analyzed with regard to their temperature dependence. Metal-to-insulator transitions present in spinel ferrites are demonstrated, with a particular focus on the Verwey transition. The optical properties of these materials are discussed along with their diffuse reflectance spectra. The band gaps of selected ferrites and examples of their band structure and quantum efficiency curves are demonstrated.
Sabrina Arcaro, Janio Venturini
Chapter 4. Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Ferrites
This chapter will present the most common aspects of the chemical and mechanical behaviors of spinel ferrites. The chemical versatility of the spinel structure is demonstrated, along with the doping and substoichiometry allowed by these materials. Surface functionalization and superficial charge are discussed. Aspects of the utilization of spinel ferrites as catalysts are considered, with a particular focus on Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions. Mechanical properties of ferrites are examined, and their sintering behavior is analyzed.
Sabrina Arcaro, Janio Venturini
Chapter 5. Synthesis
Different technologies are being evaluated to produce spinel ferrites. Knowledge about existing synthesis methods allows greater control over the structure, and consequently, the desired properties. This chapter will describe the mechanisms of the main synthesis methods of spinel ferrites and analyze the approach in selected articles.
Sabrina Arcaro, Janio Venturini
Chapter 6. Processing
Ceramic processing can be defined as the set of operations by which, from one or more starting materials, parts with desired shape and structure are obtained. The advent of materials science and the development of new technologies allowed ceramic products to be inserted in the most diverse sectors of the industry. This chapter covers the fundamental concepts involved in the various stages of ferrite processing, from the dispersion of particles to the consolidation of a bulk or thin film.
Sabrina Arcaro, Janio Venturini
Chapter 7. Current and Incipient Applications
Ferrites have attracted significant scientific and technological interest due to the possibility of specific applications through their chemical manipulation concerning size, morphology, magnetic behavior, and chemical composition.
Sabrina Arcaro, Janio Venturini
Modern Ferrites in Engineering
verfasst von
Dr. Sabrina Arcaro
Dr. Janio Venturini
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


    Die im Laufe eines Jahres in der „adhäsion“ veröffentlichten Marktübersichten helfen Anwendern verschiedenster Branchen, sich einen gezielten Überblick über Lieferantenangebote zu verschaffen.