2010 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Monitoring and control of multi-storey frame structures by strain-type actuators and sensors
verfasst von : Michael Krommer, Markus Zellhofer
Erschienen in: Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Smart Materials and Structures
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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In the present paper we study monitoring and control of multistorey frame structures. In particular, we consider strain-type sensors and actuators for that purpose. In the first part the concept of collocated continuously distributed strain-type sensors and actuators is introduced. Then we discuss the design of continuously distributed sensors in detail, in order to introduce the concept of strain-type sensor networks afterwards. Here, we focuss on the optimal design of such networks to approximate continuously distributed sensors. Finally, two case studies for a three-storey frame structure are presented.(1) Structural health monitoring for the detection of joints appearing at the connection of floors and sidewalls, and(2) active control of the third floor displacement by PD-controllers