2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Monitoring Weight and Physical Activity Using an AmI Setting
verfasst von : João Ferreira, Rafaela Rosário, Ângelo Costa, Paulo Novais
Erschienen in: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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We have an increasingly sedentary population without the care to make a healthy diet. Therefore, it becomes necessary to give the population the opportunity, despite living a very busy and tiring life, to have control over important aspects to their health. This work aims to present a model of an ambient intelligence system for monitoring the weight and physical activity in active individuals. To accomplish this objective we have developed a mobile application that allows users to monitor their weight over a period of time, identify the amount of food they consume and the amount of exercise they practice. This mobile application will give information to users about dietary and physical activity guidelines in order to improve their lifestyles. It is expected that students improve their lifestyles.