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MOSFET-only Meminductor Emulator and its Application in Chaotic Oscillator

verfasst von: Aashish Kumar, Shireesh Kumar Rai

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Ausgabe 12/2024


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In this paper, a grounded meminductor emulator has been proposed using six MOSFETs (3NMOS and 3PMOS) only. Three transconductance stages and two capacitors are generally required to realize a meminductor emulator. Meminductor is considered as an inductor having memory. In the proposed design of meminductor emulator, the gyrator circuit is realized using common-source and common-gate amplifiers with one capacitor. The first capacitor is used to obtain the behaviour of inductance while the second capacitor is used for charge storage which acts as a memory element. In the proposed design of meminductor emulator, the gate-to-source capacitor of MOSFET is utilized in place of external capacitor for memory element. Therefore, the proposed design is free from the requirement of passive components as the required capacitor is formed by MOSFET. Also, the frequency characteristics of proposed meminductor are found to be satisfactory up to 100 MHz. The other essential characteristics such as non-volatility test, temperature analysis, tunability, Monte Carlo, and corner analysis are also found to be satisfactory. The proposed design of meminductor emulator is compared with other existing meminductor emulators. The performance of the emulator is successfully verified through the realization of chaotic oscillator circuit.

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MOSFET-only Meminductor Emulator and its Application in Chaotic Oscillator
verfasst von
Aashish Kumar
Shireesh Kumar Rai
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing / Ausgabe 12/2024
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878