2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Multi-agent Simulation for AI Behaviour Discovery in Operations Research
verfasst von : Michael Papasimeon, Lyndon Benke
Erschienen in: Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXII
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, a lightweight platform for evaluating the suitability and viability of AI methods for behaviour discovery in multi-agent simulations. Specifically, ACE0
was designed to explore AI methods for multi-agent simulations used in operations research studies related to new technologies such as autonomous aircraft. Simulation environments used in production are often high-fidelity, complex, require significant domain knowledge and as a result have high R&D costs. Minimal and lightweight simulation environments can help researchers and engineers evaluate the viability of new AI technologies for behaviour discovery in a more agile and potentially cost effective manner. In this paper we describe the motivation for the development of ACE0
. We provide a technical overview of the system architecture, describe a case study of behaviour discovery in the aerospace domain, and provide a qualitative evaluation of the system. The evaluation includes a brief description of collaborative research projects with academic partners, exploring different AI behaviour discovery methods.