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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Multi-hazard Resilient Building Retrofit Strategies Addressing Multiple Bottom-Up and Top-Down Urban Challenges

verfasst von : Sameh Shamout, Paola Boarin

Erschienen in: Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The built environment, including all the structures and systems that make up our cities, towns, and communities, is facing an increasing range of ongoing stressors and unexpected shocks that threaten its ability to withstand and adapt to change. These challenges include everything from natural disasters and climate change to infrastructure failures and social resilience issues. In order to ensure that our built environment is resilient and able to withstand today’s as well as future challenges, it is essential to have a comprehensive list of strategies that enhance resilience to multiple hazards. While efforts have been made to address building resilience, most of the focus has been at the urban scale. Much work is needed to address multi-hazard resilience at the building scale, and most importantly existing building retrofits as the majority of buildings already exist, and retrofitting them to incorporate a multi-hazard resilience approach presents a significant challenge. This book chapter presents an overview of several retrofit strategies that address a number of bottom-up and top-down urban challenges and promote multi-hazard resilience in buildings. Bottom-up challenges include issues such as high energy costs, water scarcity, natural disasters, and infrastructure failures, whereas top-down challenges include hazards related to climate change, human-made hazards, and social resilience issues. The retrofit strategies outlined in the chapter have been derived from a range of sources, including academic articles, reports, and international sustainable and resilient building guidelines and rating systems. The findings highlight a range of retrofit strategies that can effectively enhance the multi-hazard resilience of buildings. These strategies have been summarised in two tables, which can serve as a foundation for the development of comprehensive guidelines and frameworks aimed at promoting multi-hazard resilience in building retrofits.

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PS: Passive Design Strategies.
AC: Active Design Strategies.
RELi 2.0 refers to the 2030 Palette: Green Roof Swatch for green roof design guidance (The 2030 Palette, 2017).
Cool roofs account for 2 of the 8 points assigned for HA Action 3.4 Passive Cooling in RELi 2.0 (USGBC, 2018a). Many standards exist for cool roofs, e.g. the Cool Roof Rating Council’s standards, a non-profit organisation dedicated to developing reliable and trustworthy methods for measuring and marking the radiative properties of exterior wall and roofing materials (Cool Roof Rating Council, 2020).
Heavy building contents, such as tall bookshelves, storage and server racks, file cabinets, appliances, and mounted televisions which are a potential life-safety hazard, need to be anchored per FEMA E-74 (2011) or equivalent (FEMA, 2011).
WS: Winter storms.
HW: Heatwaves.
DR: Droughts.
FL: Floods.
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Multi-hazard Resilient Building Retrofit Strategies Addressing Multiple Bottom-Up and Top-Down Urban Challenges
verfasst von
Sameh Shamout
Paola Boarin