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01.10.2021 | Original Paper

Multilinear algebra for minimum storage regenerating codes: a generalization of the product-matrix construction

verfasst von: Iwan Duursma, Hsin-Po Wang

Erschienen in: Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing | Ausgabe 4/2023


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An \((n, k, d, \alpha )\)-MSR (minimum storage regeneration) code is a set of n nodes used to store a file. For a file of total size \(k\alpha\), each node stores \(\alpha\) symbols, any k nodes determine the file, and any d nodes can repair any other node by each sending out \(\alpha /(d-k+1)\) symbols. In this work, we express the product-matrix construction of \(\bigl (n, k, 2(k-1), k-1\bigr )\)-MSR codes in terms of symmetric algebras. We then generalize the product-matrix construction to \(\bigl (n, k, \frac{(k-1)t}{t-1}, \left( {\begin{array}{c}k-1\\ t-1\end{array}}\right) \bigr )\)-MSR codes for general \(t\geqslant 2\), while the \(t=2\) case recovers the product-matrix construction. Our codes’ sub-packetization level—\(\alpha\)—is small and independent of n. It is less than \(L^{2.8(d-k+1)}\), where L is Alrabiah–Guruswami’s lower bound on \(\alpha\). Furthermore, it is less than other MSR codes’ \(\alpha\) for a set of practical parameters. Finally, we discuss how our code repairs multiple failures at once.

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Multilinear algebra for minimum storage regenerating codes: a generalization of the product-matrix construction
verfasst von
Iwan Duursma
Hsin-Po Wang
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing / Ausgabe 4/2023
Print ISSN: 0938-1279
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-0622