2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Multimodal MRI Evaluation of Physiological Changes on Leg Muscles due to Fatigue after Intense Exercise
verfasst von : Mario Forjaz Secca, Sergio S. Alves, Ana Rita Pereira, José Nuno Alves, Filipa Joao, Antonio P. Veloso, Michael Noseworthy, Nuno Jalles Tavares, Cristina Meneses
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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DTI, BOLD and T2 can give us non-invasive information on the functioning of muscles in real time. We used a multimodal approach, that included DTI, BOLD and T2 measurements, to evaluate the physiological changes in several leg muscles, and were able to assess that the soleus and gastrocnemius were the most involved muscles when our volunteers were submitted to intense one legged jump physical exercise conducive to fatigue. DTI, BOLD and T2 can give us non-invasive information on the functioning of muscles in real time. We used a multimodal approach, that included DTI, BOLD and T2 measurements, to evaluate the physiological changes in several leg muscles, and were able to assess that the soleus and gastrocnemius were the most involved muscles when our volunteers were submitted to intense one legged jump physical exercise conducive to fatigue.