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2024 | Buch

Nano-Engineering of High Strength Steels


Über dieses Buch

This book offers new insights into the process of adjusting nanostructures in high-strength steels to achieve enhanced mechanical properties. It summarizes the state-of-the-art nanoengineering approaches, such as precipitation engineering, interface engineering, and short-range ordering engineering. The book explores the nanostructure-process-property relationships in various high-strength steels, including TRIP/TWIP/MBIP in high-Mn steels (HMnS), medium-Mn steels (MMnS), bearing steels, tool steels, and more. The author investigates a novel approach to control the phase transformation process during deformation and/or thermal treatment in steels, employing both experimental and theoretical tools.


Chapter 1. Introduction
The development of human society over the last 2000 years is closely related to the progressive development of new metallic materials. In the ancient period, the application and availability of metallic products are limited due to the lack of metallurgy and fabrication technologies.
Wenwen Song
Chapter 2. General Aspects of Nanostructure
The state-of-the-art development of materials with high performance requests multi-scale understanding of the materials structures.
Wenwen Song
Chapter 3. High Strength Steels
This chapter provides the general introduction to the state-of-the-art development of high strength steels. The fundamentals of the deformation mechanisms and its controlling parameters in high strength steels are addressed.
Wenwen Song
Chapter 4. Nanostructure Characterization Methods
This chapter provides the description of advanced techniques for nanostructure characterization, such as high energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SYXRD), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), atom probe tomography (APT), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The fundamentals and development history of these material characterization methods are introduced. Besides, the experimental setups and sample preparation procedures are further addressed.
Wenwen Song
Chapter 5. Precipitation Engineering
This chapter describes the precipitation engineering approach and its application in the high strength steels.
Wenwen Song
Chapter 6. Interface Engineering
Interfaces show significant influence on the various phase transformations during heat treatments and/or deformation of the metallic materials.
Wenwen Song
Chapter 7. Short-Range Ordering Engineering
The aforementioned novel strengthening concepts inspired me to look for new strengthening concepts to improve mechanical properties. The short-range ordering (SRO) concept is therefore recently proposed and applied in various steels as a new pathway to overcome the strength-ductility trade-off in nanostructured metallic materials.
Wenwen Song
Chapter 8. Conclusions and Final Remark
The book provides an in-depth understanding of nanostructures and nano-engineering approaches in high strength steels. The state-of-the-art of nanostructures is thoroughly discussed, for instance, nanostructures in metallic materials (ultrafine-grained structure, nano-laminates, nano-plates, nano-particles, nano-precipitates, nano-twins, and gradient nanostructure), the technological processes (thermomechanical treatment, solid reaction, severe plastic deformation), the novel nanostructure characterization methods, the fascinating functional and structural properties, as well as its applications.
Wenwen Song
Nano-Engineering of High Strength Steels
verfasst von
Wenwen Song
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


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