2008 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Nanostructured Pt-doped Tin Oxide Films
verfasst von : R. Scotti, C. Canevali, M. Mattoni, F. Morazzoni, L. Armelao, D. Barreca
Erschienen in: Materials Syntheses
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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Nanostructured Pt-doped SnO
thin films are obtained by a sol-gel route using tetra(
-butoxy)tin(IV) and bis(acetylacetonato)platinum(II) as precursors. Acetylacetone was added as a chelating agent to control the hydrolysis and condensation of tin alkoxide and, consequently, the gelation rate. This procedure allows obtaining a sol phase viscosity suitable for the spin-coating process.