2009 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Network Detection Theory
verfasst von : James P. Ferry, Darren Lo, Stephen T Ahearn, Aaron M. Phillips
Erschienen in: Mathematical Methods in Counterterrorism
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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Despite the breadth of modern network theory, it can be difficult to apply its results to the task of uncovering terrorist networks: the most useful network analyses are often low-tech, link-following approaches. In the traditional military domain, detection theory has a long history of finding stealthy targets such as submarines. We demonstrate how the detection theory framework leads to a variety of network analysis questions. Some solutions to these leverage existing theory; others require novel techniques – but in each case the solutions contribute to a principled methodology for solving network detection problems. This endeavor is difficult, and the work here represents only a beginning. However, the required mathematics is interesting, being the synthesis of two fields with little common history.