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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Next Generation Web for Alumni Web Portal

verfasst von : Marmik Patel, Devangi Rami, Mukesh Soni

Erschienen in: Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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At some point, the understudies have insufficient information to proceed further in their career, so getting right exhortation from experienced individual is vital which will be accomplished by establishing an online alumni interface. With this the alumni can communicate to the students regarding job opportunities and the students can share their department activities to the alumni. The proposed system has the dynamic architecture and less static content, which can empower the full duplex association between all graduated students and understudies. This paper portrays how the system will function and collaborate the graduated class with the present understudies.

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Next Generation Web for Alumni Web Portal
verfasst von
Marmik Patel
Devangi Rami
Mukesh Soni