2017 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Next steps towards EGR-only concept for medium-duty industrial engine
verfasst von : Dirk Queck, Olaf Erik Herrmann
Erschienen in: Internationaler Motorenkongress 2017
Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Globally small industrial engines in the range from 2.5 to 4.5 liter displacement play a major role for construction, agricultural and other industrial applications. As shown in Figure 1 the number of emission regulated industrial engines today is still comparable small as especially in Asia and other emerging markets the emission requirements are still limited. Today SCR systems for these small engines just have been introduced and are causing several disadvantages to these applications, like space requirement, need for an infrastructure for a second liquid and additional sensors and actuators which cause some risk to reduce the robustness of these engines and at the same time increase the cost. A significant number of industrial engines in the Asia region will sooner or later require a simple and robust emission reduction technology which is easy to apply to many different applications.