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2010 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Non-Linear Dynamic Deformation of a Piezothermoelastic Laminate

verfasst von : Masayuki Ishihara, Yasuhiro Watanabe, Naotake Noda

Erschienen in: Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Smart Materials and Structures

Verlag: Springer Vienna

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This paper presents an analysis on the nonlinear transient behavior of a piezothermoelastic laminate. For the analytical model, a laminated beam is considered to be composed of elastic structural and piezoelectric layers that are subjected to mechanical, thermal, and electrical loads as disturbances or intended control procedures. The deformation of the laminate is analyzed using the classical laminate theory and the von Kármán strain. Equations of motion in terms of the displacements are obtained and analyzed through the Galerkin method. As a result, the dynamic deflection of the laminate is found to be governed by the equation for a polynomial oscillator, and the transient large deformation due to mechanical, thermal, and electrical loads are obtained. Through these results, the characteristics of the transient deformation of the laminate are discussed in detail

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Non-Linear Dynamic Deformation of a Piezothermoelastic Laminate
verfasst von
Masayuki Ishihara
Yasuhiro Watanabe
Naotake Noda
Springer Vienna


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