2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Nonlinear Spatial Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Rural Regions
verfasst von : Yi Chen, Guanfeng Zhang, Bin Zheng, Ivan Zelinka
Erschienen in: Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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We aim to examine the impact of economic growth with a carbon dioxide
) emission factor, particularly, our investigation focuses on the dynamic behaviors of the functional regions of a rural area. A spatial analysis approach that incorporates three components and
emission factor has been developed to evaluate the dynamic behaviors of the rural areas at an administrative county level.We adopt the Mendel genetic algorithm (Mendel-GA) to implement the technical computation, in which a Mendel genetic operator implies the random assignment by using the Mendel’s principles and the data of gross domestic product (GDP) has been utilised to estimate the
emission of productive activities in the rural area. A functional region affecting index (FRAI) has been used to construct the fitness function in the Mendel genetic algorithm evaluation. The real data simulation for Chongqing rural region indicates that the index of FRAI works well in the modeling process and suggests its potential as a technical indicator for the rural policy-making.