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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Not Another Brick on the Wall: Generation Z and Future of Work

verfasst von : Damla Köroğlu, Arzu İnan Özlütaş

Erschienen in: Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This research delves into the perceptions of Generation Z—those on the brink of stepping into managerial and employer roles—regarding the advancements in technology, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential effects on their future careers and the overall job landscape. Through in-depth interviews with eight university students belonging to Generation Z, conducted in a focus group setting on their campus, this study aims to uncover how this digitally native generation envisions the integration of AI into their professional lives. Contrary to the common narrative that views technological advancements as a threat to human employment, the findings from our discourse analysis reveal a different concern among Gen Z participants. They do not regard AI as a peril to their career prospects. Instead, they identify the real threat as being dominant and dictatorial management styles. This pivotal insight shifts the discourse from the often fear-mongered narrative surrounding AI’s impact on jobs to a more nuanced understanding of workplace dynamics in the context of emerging technologies. By highlighting Generation Z’s concerns and expectations, this research contributes significantly to the ongoing conversation about the evolving nature of work amid technological, sociocultural, and political-economic transformations. The study underscores the importance of understanding young professionals’ viewpoints on technology’s role in shaping a future where human-centric management practices are valued over authoritarian leadership, regardless of the technological tools in use.

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Ethics committee approval was provided by Munzur University Ethics Committee.
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Not Another Brick on the Wall: Generation Z and Future of Work
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