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01.11.2023 | The Hansen Report

On Automotive Electronics

verfasst von: Paul Hansen

Erschienen in: ATZelektronik | Ausgabe 11/2023


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All the major carmakers are in the process of building out organizations capable of developing and producing vehicles that are defined by software. Software-defined vehicles can be brought to market much faster than vehicles that distribute essential intellectual property throughout a complicated network of 60 or more ECUs. It is far better to operate with fewer ECUs and a handful of centralized high-performance computing SoCs. Software- defined vehicles can be continuously maintained and improved by means of software updates. "We need to embrace change rather than work against change." That was the view expressed in June at the Automobil Elektronik Kongress by Mathias Pillin, CTO for Bosch Mobility. Pillin is one of the architects of Bosch's plan, announced in April, to realign its automotive business. "We had to realize that this hardware software decoupling is happening for a good reason. It will make OEMs faster […] We are designing our new organization to be faster," he continued.

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Die Fachzeitschrift ATZelektronik bietet für Entwickler und Entscheider in der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie qualitativ hochwertige und fundierte Informationen aus dem gesamten Spektrum der Pkw- und Nutzfahrzeug-Elektronik. 

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On Automotive Electronics
verfasst von
Paul Hansen
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Erschienen in
ATZelektronik / Ausgabe 11/2023
Print ISSN: 1862-1791
Elektronische ISSN: 2192-8878

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The Hansen Report

The Hansen Report

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