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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Ontological-Based GIS Approach for Assessment of Soil Pollutants

verfasst von : Hussien Mohson abide, Fadi Hage Chehade, Zaid F. Makki

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Despite the importance of the cement industry, it is considered one of the most environmentally polluting industries. The study aims to reveal the chemical and physical contamination of soil with pollutants and their spatial variation in the form of ontology. The representation of pollutants and their relation is depicted in the form of knowledge graphs commonly known as Ontology. With this, the information related to spatial data is retrieved in the form of ontology web language (OWL). The results showed that most of the soil samples collected from different areas of the study area is contaminated with heavy metals compared to the permissible standards for the concentration of these metals in the soil. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and ontology helps decision-making officials to develop policies and strategies to reduce environmental pollution in the areas surrounding these factories to protect environmental elements such as soil, air, and water in the nearby areas.

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Ontological-Based GIS Approach for Assessment of Soil Pollutants
verfasst von
Hussien Mohson abide
Fadi Hage Chehade
Zaid F. Makki
Springer Nature Singapore