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Optimal Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Charging at Geographically Dispersed Charging Stations with Multiple Charging Piles

verfasst von: Sowmya R, V. Sankaranarayanan

Erschienen in: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Ausgabe 3/2022


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The work presented in this paper deals with developing a charge scheduling strategy for electric vehicles in a predefined geographical region. Charging stations in the geographical region are considered to provide multiple charging levels with separate piles with an individual queue for each charging level. Assigning a charging station to each electric vehicle is considered as an optimization problem to minimize travel time, queue time, recharging time, and cost of energy for battery recharging. The objective function is constrained to the reachability of the electric vehicle with the available state of charge of the battery to the allotted charging station without violating the maximum permissible depth of discharge limit and allowable charging rate. The optimization model empowers the users to prioritize the function variable based on travel requirements and battery specifications in different case studies using the Opposition-Based Marine Predator Algorithm. This proposed algorithm is an improved version of the recently reported Marine Predator Algorithm in which the opposition-based learning mechanism is included to improve the solution accuracy. The solution obtained and the analysis of results show that the proposed strategy significantly reduces travel time, queue time, recharging time, and energy cost while fulfilling the constraints imposed.

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Optimal Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Charging at Geographically Dispersed Charging Stations with Multiple Charging Piles
verfasst von
Sowmya R
V. Sankaranarayanan
Springer US
Erschienen in
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / Ausgabe 3/2022
Print ISSN: 1348-8503
Elektronische ISSN: 1868-8659


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