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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

7. Optimization of Micro Drilling Process

verfasst von : Apoorva Shastri, Aniket Nargundkar, Anand J. Kulkarni

Erschienen in: Socio-Inspired Optimization Methods for Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Verlag: Springer Singapore

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Mechanical micro-drilling is one of the most widely used methods among several micro-hole making methods because of its least dependency on the material properties. Various factors such as tool diameter, spindle speed, tool helix angle, twist angle and feed rate determine the hole quality, and thus, they have to be chosen very carefully. Controlling burr formation in micro holes is significant as it causes deterioration of surface quality which reduces product durability and precision, assembly problems, wear and tear on the surface, etc.

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Optimization of Micro Drilling Process
verfasst von
Apoorva Shastri
Aniket Nargundkar
Anand J. Kulkarni
Springer Singapore


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