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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

10. Optimization of Vortex Generators for a Subsonic Aircraft Wing Using Taguchi Method

verfasst von : An-Jui Hsu, Wen-lih Chen, Ming-shi Hu, Yi-chung Liu

Erschienen in: Energy and Sustainable Aviation Fuels Solutions

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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As an aircraft stalls under high angle of attack, airflow is separated from the wing surface, resulting in drastic lift loss and drag increase. Consequently, the performance of the wing is impaired, jeopardizing the safety of the aircraft. To mitigate this problem, a common practice is to install vortex generators on the upper surface of the wing. They function by introducing high-energy vortices into the sluggish boundary layer, thus delaying the separation to a higher stall angle. They can effectively improve lift during take-off and landing. In this study, several important parameters of vortex generators are optimized to produce the maximum lift at a high angle of attack. The results are very useful for the design of vortex generators to improve the safety of an aircraft.

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Zurück zum Zitat Bak, C., Fuglsang, P., Johansen, J., & Antoniou, I. (2000). Wind tunnel tests of the NACA 63–415 and a modified NACA 63–415 airfoil. Risø National Laboratory. Bak, C., Fuglsang, P., Johansen, J., & Antoniou, I. (2000). Wind tunnel tests of the NACA 63–415 and a modified NACA 63–415 airfoil. Risø National Laboratory.
Zurück zum Zitat Lin, J. C. (2002). Review of research on low-profile vortex generators to control boundary layer separation. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 38(4–5), 389–420.CrossRef Lin, J. C. (2002). Review of research on low-profile vortex generators to control boundary layer separation. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 38(4–5), 389–420.CrossRef
Optimization of Vortex Generators for a Subsonic Aircraft Wing Using Taguchi Method
verfasst von
An-Jui Hsu
Wen-lih Chen
Ming-shi Hu
Yi-chung Liu