2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Patellar Reflex Measurement System with Tapping Force Controlled
verfasst von : Y. Salazar-Muñoz, L. A. Ruano-Calderón, J. A. Leyva, O. S. Martínez, O. García-Cano, B. García-Caballero
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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The clinical evaluation of muscular strength and stretching reflex are one of the most important neurological data to evaluate patients. Our system measure and capture variables generated by the patellar reflex with a non-invasive way and absolute control in the tapping force on the tendon. The digital saving data process is performed by a PC or Notebook with the Monitoring Reflex Software, where the measured variables are: angular position of the movement developed by the leg, angular rate, impact instant on the patellar tendon and the muscular distention in the quadriceps. All of them present changes according to the patellar reflex generated by the tapping force control.