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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Performance of Nano-Bio Treated Columns in Slope Stability Using Centrifuge Modeling

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Stability of ground slopes is of paramount importance in geotechnical engineering. Several mitigating methods have been proposed in the literature and applied in practice. In this study, the effect of nano-bio-treated columns, as green cement inclusions, on the stability of a clayey slope is investigated by conducting two centrifuge Ng model tests. Rigid inclusions have been made by using enhanced Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) and 1.5% nano-\(\text {SiO}_2\). Unimproved and improved models were loaded in a beam centrifuge device by increasing centrifugal acceleration. Failure surfaces gradually appeared in the unimproved model after the centrifugal acceleration reached 40 g. By increasing the acceleration to 58 g, at the end of the test, very large deformations were observed. In contrast, the stability of the improved model was maintained without any clear failure surface by the end of the test where the centrifugal acceleration was increased up to 77 g. It indicates the use of new nano-bio cement inclusions can be an effective approach for improving slope stability in clayey soils.

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Performance of Nano-Bio Treated Columns in Slope Stability Using Centrifuge Modeling
verfasst von
Sara Ghalandarzadeh
Pooneh Maghoul
Abbas Ghalandarzadeh