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Power Beacon-Based Wireless Power Transfer in MISO/SISO: An Application in Device-to-Device Networks

verfasst von: Huu-Phuc Dang, Chi-Bao Le, Dinh-Thuan Do, Si-Phu Le, Hong-Nhu Nguyen, Miroslav Voznak

Erschienen in: Wireless Personal Communications | Ausgabe 1/2020


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This paper considers device-to-device (D2D) together with single input single output and multiple input single output models in transmitting of nearby devices under help of wireless power transfer. To support more harvested energy, two modes are studied in which multiple-antenna/single antenna power beacons are proposed to robust D2D transmission network. Especially, enhanced successful communication is explored with short distance transmission. Accordingly, the alternative energy source can be used to maintain small devices which can operate at close position efficiently. In this paper, a model of radio frequency-assisted wireless energy transfer for D2D system with two realistic transmission schemes will be investigated, namely pure D2D and D2D with interference impact of conventional user equipment. As an important result, we derive analytical expressions for outage probability to achieve performance evaluation. This paper will analyze outage probability by matching Monte-Carlo and analytical simulations to corroborate the exactness of derived expressions.

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Power Beacon-Based Wireless Power Transfer in MISO/SISO: An Application in Device-to-Device Networks
verfasst von
Huu-Phuc Dang
Chi-Bao Le
Dinh-Thuan Do
Si-Phu Le
Hong-Nhu Nguyen
Miroslav Voznak
Springer US
Erschienen in
Wireless Personal Communications / Ausgabe 1/2020
Print ISSN: 0929-6212
Elektronische ISSN: 1572-834X