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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Practical Outcomes of a Numerical Study into Soil Arching in Geosynthetic Reinforced Column-Supported Embankments

verfasst von : Edward J. Smith, Abdelmalek Bouazza, Louis E. King

Erschienen in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Volume 4

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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This paper presents the practical outcomes of a numerical study into soil arching in geosynthetic reinforced column-supported embankments (GRCSEs). The study offers insights into the nature of the failure mechanism above the column head and the development of a plane of equal settlement within the embankment. For embankment geometries likely adopted by GRCSE designers, the results indicate either a punching failure or inverted general bearing failure develops above the column head projecting into the embankment. It is found that an inverted general bearing failure generally develops if a plane of equal settlement can be established within the embankment. Based on these findings, an opportunity is presented to optimise the thickness of load transfer platforms in GRCSEs and to adopt more economical fill types above the load transfer platform. The results presented in this paper have implications for the practical and efficient design of embankments commonly adopted in transport infrastructure projects.

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Practical Outcomes of a Numerical Study into Soil Arching in Geosynthetic Reinforced Column-Supported Embankments
verfasst von
Edward J. Smith
Abdelmalek Bouazza
Louis E. King
Springer Nature Singapore