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2023 | Buch

Practicing Deliberative Democracy in China

Multiple Deliberative Democracy in Policy-making

verfasst von: Fuguo Han

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

Buchreihe : Understanding China


Über dieses Buch

This book argues that most public affairs can be openly discussed before consensus is reached, and people from different backgrounds should be encouraged to get involved in policy-making on an equal basis. This is considered multiple deliberative democracy. The book features in-depth discussions on why multiple deliberative democracy is needed in China, what specific procedures it entails, and how it is conducted in local communities across the country. In addition, it probes into the areas of public administration where multiple deliberative democracy can be employed to enhance informed decision-making on public affairs, such as community self-governance matters, matters to be voted on by the National People's Congress, collecting CPPCC motions, social organization (or corporation) consultation, vital planning schemes of the society, and citizen education. Furthermore, the monograph explores the pluralism in deliberative democracy, such as mass symposium, citizen (villager) BBS, community Internet BBS, discussions in open areas of the community, “vision workshops”, and citizen jury. It is concluded that thorough deliberation among citizens may profoundly impact the government’s informed-decision-making. The book exposes the readers to the democratic system of modern China and sheds lights on its contextualized, unique multiple deliberative democracy procedures and practices. University students, researchers, and practitioner in the fields of political science, public administration, and international relations, among others, may find this book informative and intriguing.


Chapter 1. Introduction
What kind of democracy is necessary for the twenty-first-century China? How can Chinese people specifically practice the existing democratic documents in China? Or are there any specifically workable and scientific procedures to ensure the big democratic issues in documents? Practices hold equal importance to the democratic reforms in the Chinese upper-level political system, even more important than CPC’s macro-system design.
Fuguo Han
Chapter 2. Method and Procedures: The Practical Democracy
Within the domain of democracy theories, ‘deliberative democracy’ is by no means equivalent to ‘democratic consultation’. On the level of China’s social governance, ‘deliberative democracy’ is not the same as ‘political consultation’.
Fuguo Han
Chapter 3. “Deliberative Polling”: A Practicable Method
Deliberative Polling (DP), with strict procedures, was first systematized and practiced globally by Professor Fishkin at the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford University.
Fuguo Han
Chapter 4. Multiple Deliberative Democratic Decision-Making: Procedures for Chinese Structure
Democratic participation has been a very important criterion to measure the political development in China, no matter how its modern evaluation index is defined. In addition to random sampling, there are other factors affecting the quality of deliberative democracy in China. The following eight factors are the main challenges.
Fuguo Han
Chapter 5. The Operational Space for Multiple Deliberative Democratic Approaches
To implement the regulation of the Report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China issued “"The Document on Strengthening the Socialist Consultative & Deliberative Democracy” in 2015, which proposed that China’s deliberative democracy consists of mechanisms of political party consultation, People’s Congress consultation, government consultation, CPPCC consultation, people’s organization consultation, grassroots consultation, social organization consultation, etc. However, the key to the implementation of these top-level regulations lies in real practices.
Fuguo Han
Chapter 6. Comparison of Political Participation Methods: Practices of Deliberative Democracy in China
Over the past three decades, diverse deliberative mechanisms have sprung up in the development of local democratic politics and democratic decision-making in mainland China, mainly including Hearing, the Coordination Meeting, the Appraisal Meeting, the Consensus Meeting, the Citizen Forum, Creation Rights and Referendum, the Civic Group and Civic Consulting Group, the Democratic Appraising Council, the Communication Day, the Consultative Poll (under test), the Participatory Budgeting, the Democratic Discussion, and the Internet Public Forum.
Fuguo Han
Chapter 7. Adequate Communication: Make an Informed Decision
This part mainly summarizes the core ideas and procedures of the multiple deliberative democracy in decision-making discussed previously.
Fuguo Han
Practicing Deliberative Democracy in China
verfasst von
Fuguo Han
Springer Nature Singapore
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