2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Principal Component Analysis Used in Estimation of Human’s Immune System, Suffered from Allergic Rhinosinusopathy Complicated with Clamidiosis or without It
verfasst von : Lyudmila Pokidysheva, Irina Ignatova
Erschienen in: Advances in Intelligent Analysis of Medical Data and Decision Support Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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The immune system is very important in overcoming the influence of harmful factors to human organism. This is one of the three integrative systems of the organism, which provides maintenance of homeostasis together with the nervous and endocrine systems. In this paper, estimation of human’s immune system, suffered from allergic rhinosinusopathy, complicated or not complicated by clamidiosis is given. The novelty of method consists in using correlation adaptometry and principal component analysis for this estimation. These methods allowed estimation of changes of the immune system during stress adaptation.