2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Probabilistic Approach to Planning Collision Free Path of UAV
verfasst von : Dawid Cedrych, Adam Gałuszka, Marcin Pacholczyk, Krzysztof Skrzypczyk, Aleksander Nawrat
Erschienen in: Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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In this chapter we present simulation results of an algorithm designed to planning collision free path based on probabilistic search. The aim of this study is to design an algorithm for off-line planning a set of way-points which make the collision free route of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The planning process is based on the graph that represents the map containing information about altitude of the terrain over which the UAV is intended to perform its mission. The size of the graph increases polynomially with the resolution of the map and the number of way points of UAV. The probabilistic method of making the representative model of the terrain was applied in order to reduce a complexity of planning the collision free path. The functioning and efficiency of the approach proposed was introduced in our previous work, here we use real terrain map and introduce indicators to illustrate properties of the algorithm.