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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

“Probably Put Some Sort of Fear in”: Investigating the Role of Heuristics in Cyber Awareness Messaging for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises

verfasst von : Dominic Button, Jacques Ophoff, Alastair Irons, Sharon McDonald

Erschienen in: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Cyber-attacks are increasing at an exponential rate, targeting organisation irrespective of size. Small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are particularly vulnerable yet often lack cybersecurity awareness. This entails that an individual or organisation becomes aware of the cyber threats they face in addition to the protective actions and behaviours they can take. Despite the positive intentions of current cybersecurity awareness initiatives, there is a lack of adoption by SMEs. To better understand the situation this study explores SME owner or manager perceptions of cybersecurity awareness messages, leveraging psychological heuristics and message framing. Empirical data was collected through interviews with 16 participants representing SMEs in the North-East of England. Findings reflect that the framing of messages towards fear is more accepted by SMEs as opposed to positivity messages. Moreover, heuristics of self-efficacy and cost are seen to instil a desire to comply with cyber security behaviours. However, not all SMEs could agree on an approach thus suggesting that SMEs require bespoke messaging relating to the businesses and the owner.

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“Probably Put Some Sort of Fear in”: Investigating the Role of Heuristics in Cyber Awareness Messaging for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises
verfasst von
Dominic Button
Jacques Ophoff
Alastair Irons
Sharon McDonald