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2022 | Buch

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Building Innovations

ICBI 2020

herausgegeben von: Prof. Volodymyr Onyshchenko, Prof. Gulchohra Mammadova, Prof. Svitlana Sivitska, Prof. Akif Gasimov

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

Buchreihe : Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering


Über dieses Buch

This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of building design and construction, by focusing on new design solutions for buildings and new technologies creation for construction, as presented by researchers and engineers at the 3rd International Conference Building Innovations (ICBI), held in Poltava – Baku, Ukraine – Azerbaijan, on June 1-2, 2020. It covers highly diverse topics, including structures operation, repairing and thermal modernization in existing buildings and urban planning features, machines and mechanisms for construction, as well as efficient economy and energy conservation issues in construction. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaborations.



Constructions and Building Materials. Structural Mechanics

Stability of Thin-Walled Steel Elements of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures

This paper investigates the behavior of new type of steel and concrete composite structures. With a view of a more effective use of CFS in modern construction (increasing the carrying capacity while reducing the thermal conductivity) the authors propose to fill the open cavities of thin-walled steel structures with light insulating concrete to create ultralight steel and concrete composite elements. The paper presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the local stability of thin-walled steel elements supported by lightweight concrete. The study of the influence of structural parameters on the local stability of steel elements of reinforced concrete structures. The comparison of experimental results with the results of calculations is performed in accordance with the theory of elasticity and the proposed method.

Yurii Avramenko, Alina Zyhun, Samira Akbarova, Oleg Yurin
Some Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Road Concrete Using Iron Ore Dressing Wastes

The results of studies of fine-grained road fiber-reinforced concrete using iron ore dressing wastes as fillers at the Poltava mining and processing plant are presented. Ore dressing wastes are crushed rocks of the quartzite group, which are not worse in strength than granites. The waste has a rocky torn surface, which contributes to good adhesion to the cement stone. The uniformity of the of polypropylene fibers distribution in the volume of the concrete mixture was assessed by the change in the degree of separation. The dependences of homogeneity of a concrete mixture with different amounts and volumetric concentration and length of polypropylene fibers on the duration of mixing have been obtained. The graphs were built and the optimal duration of mixing the concrete mixture was determined.The influence of polypropylene fibers on the strength of concrete of different grades has been investigated. The research results indicate that polypropylene fibers do not have an adhesive bond with cement stone and, therefore, cannot significantly increase the strength of concrete in comparison with steel fibers. However, polypropylene fibers can have a positive effect on the crack resistance and dynamic strength of road concretes.

Rasul Akhmednabiev, Lyudmila Bondar, Oksana Demchenko, Vladimir Shulgin
Calculation of Composite Bending Elements

The article describes the method of calculation of stone beams strengthened with side reinforced concrete plates. The method comprises an imaginative dissection of a composite beam into stone and reinforced concrete parts and further inspection of the conditions of strain compatibility in the place where both parts of the combined structure are connected. The paper proves that it is not difficult to determine the conditions of strain compatibility. It is shown that the degree of a stone beam and reinforced concrete plates joint action depends on the quantity and diameter of bonds, their location, as well as on the strength and deformability characteristics of the stone beam and reinforced concrete plates. The article suggests that local deformations in bonds are better determined using empirical formulas. Using a stone beam strengthened with reinforced concrete plates as an example, the authors proved the efficiency of such strengthening and analyzed the factors of joint influence. The research suggests that in case of high bond stiffness, the composite structure can be calculated as monolithic, keeping in mind the usage of two different materials.

Taliat Azizov, Dmitry Kochkarev, Tatiana Galinska, Oleksiy Melnyk
Thermo-Technical Issues of Ventilated Facades in Azerbaijan

When utilization the technology of ventilated facades for any buildings it is often necessary to solve complex technical and technological issues for designers and operators. By implement architectural solutions and ideas it is essential to calculate major thermo-technical characteristics of the facades, the location of each bracket, structural elements, complex joints in order to avoid or minimize thermal bridges. Ventilated facades usually have very complicated geometric shapes and configurations. This article reflects an expert assessment of the thermo- technical issues of using ventilated facades in harsh wind operating conditions in terms of reducing the heat bridges. The effect of wind on the ventilated facade systems for climate indicators of the city of Baku is considered. Measurements of the wind speed along the facade height and air velocity in the cavity had been carried out with the multi-functional measuring instruments Testo. An increase in wind speed leads to the growth of the cavity air velocity that is achieved 1–1.5 m/s and as result, it causes declining in the thermal resistance of the external wall. The resulting approximation equation accurately reflects actual air velocity in the air gap. The main consequences of the thermal-technical issues are revealed. Findings can be used for calculated- experimental control of the facade thermal characteristics in order to fulfill a multi-disciplinary energy audit of the building.

Samira Akbarova, Yurii Avramenko
Calculation of Wooden Elements Based on the Nonlinear Deformation Model

Currently, construction norms recommend developing calculation methods based on real nonlinear deformation diagrams of materials in general and structural elements in particular. Recent studies based on nonlinear models have shown that the calculation of compression elements, especially based on nonlinear deformation models, is accompanied not only by quantitative solutions, but also by qualitatively new results. In this regard, the development of a method for calculating compressed wooden elements based on models of nonlinear deformations is an important task of practical importance. The article develops an effective numerical method for determining the strained state and the load-bearing capacity of wooden elements operating on off-center compression in general, using a deformation diagram approximated by a quadratic parabola during wood compression. Applying the hypothesis of flat sections when constructing a method, the level of deformation on the edge and the relative height of the compression zone of the cross section linearly determined by comparing the curved axis of the shaft with a sine wave under eccentric compression. The method of numerical solution of the established system of solvent equations is explained. The proposed solution methodology also allows you to build a load-bending graph for a compressed element..

Natig Baghirzade
Consideration of the Actual Performance in Reliability of Channel Frames

The article deals with reliability calculation of a rigid node of a steel frame of a building. Some parameters of the actual operation of the flange connection of the crossbar to the column are taken into account. It is proposed to use conditionally rigid frame nodes. The reliability of a node is determined from the conditions of interrelated operation of individual elements. Calculated coefficients for designing this type of node are proposed. The paper presents flanged nodes with high-strength bolts. Such connections increase the manufacturability of structures. The use of these compounds requires the detailed study of their actual operation. During calculations, it is necessary to determine the relationships between the load-bearing capacity of the node elements. The measure of the statistical relationship between these values is calculated using the correlation coefficient. For steel frames, it is proposed to use conditionally rigid pliable nodes that provide a redistribution of forces between those loaded on crossbars and columns.

Kseniia Chichulina, Viktor Chichulin, Serhiy Shkirenko, Tetiana Kushnirova
Discontinuous Solutions of Concrete Elements Strength Problems Using the Principle of Virtual Velocitiess

To determine the strength of concrete and reinforced concrete elements, discontinuous solutions are used in the theory of plasticity. Concrete is considered as a rigid-plastic body. Plastic strain is considered to be localized in thin layers on the failure surface in the compressed zone. Neighboring areas are taken absolutely rigid. The principle of virtual velocities is used. Velocity jumps on the failure surface are considered, which are expressed in terms of variable parameters: the angle between the velocity vector and the direction of the failure plane, the geometric parameters of the failure surface and the ratio of velocities in orthogonal directions. The basic dependences for establishing the shear strength of concrete and reinforced concrete elements obtained on the basis of the mathematical apparatus of the theory of plasticity are given. The proposed dependences on the concrete elements loaded in the direction of the principal stresses were checked. The obtained results are compared with the values of stresses under the conditions of concrete strength under plane stress state and plane strain, which are considered as plasticity conditions. An example of solving the strength problem for short reinforced concrete cantilevers is given. The prospects of application of the variational method using the principle of virtual velocities for the top estimation of strength of concrete elements on the general theoretical basis are specified.

Oksana Dovzhenko, Volodymyr Pohribnyi, Volodymyr Kyrychenko, Olena Malovana
Peculiarities of Tansformations in Systems of Coordination of Nitrate Precursors of REE and Alkali Metals During Formation of Polyfunctional Layered Oxide Materials

The information on alkaline coordination nitrates of rare-earth elements of the cerium subgroup - precursors of promising modern multifunctional materials - on the conditions of their formation and existence, nature of chemical bonding, composition, structure, shape of Ln coordination polyhedra, type of ligand coordination, existence of isotype series is generalized. on stoichiometry of structure, structure, the found out characteristic properties. The obtained data (as primary information) are the basis for detection, identification, control of the phase state of processing objects in the preparatory stages, selection of compatibility criteria of components in the formation of single-layer and layered nanostructured oxide composite systems of lanthanides and transition elements with catalytic activity and photocatalyst., a coating capable of self-cleaning with hydrophilic properties; development of various combined methods of their activation and establishment of technological and functional dependencies; controlled modification of the properties of the obtained target products. To increase the photocatalytic activity of coating samples based on highly dispersed TiO2 anatase modification, a methodology for chemical modification of oxidation centers in their surface layer with heat treatment in contact with thermolysis products of alkaline coordination nitrates of lanthanides is proposed. The effective test photocatalytic destruction of vapors of organic substrates on the example of ethanol is revealed.

Oleksandr Dryuchko, Yanping Yuan, Liangliang Sun, Katerina Kytaihora
Carrying Out of Researches for Determining the Term of Effective Exploitation of Thermal Insulation Materials for 100 Years (Part 2)

The study aims at finding indicators of longevity of the mineral wool products while being used as an thermal insulation layer of building envelope of construction projects with operational life up to 100 years. Subject of the study is valuation of changes in air permeability, compression strength at 10% linear deformation, operational characteristics of material—thermal conductivity, specimen appearance and geometry under cyclic climate effects that simulate environmental factors which affect the state of thermal insulating materials of building envelopes while being used in construction projects. It was conducted a study of life characteristics of Rockwool mineral wool products by Batts Lights (Rockmin) and Ruth Batts (Dachrock max) as the thermal insulating layer of building envelopes with the life time up to 100 years. During the study simulation of climatic impacts on the thermal insulating products was conducted in conditions of normal use of products in building envelopes and in conditions of probable failures of building envelopes. The results of the study show that the stability criteria of physical parameters of the Rockwool mineral wool product by Batts Lights (Rockmin) and Ruth Batts (Dachrock max) do not exceed acceptable limits after massive cyclic climatic impact. This makes possible to estimate the conditional life time of the mentioned Rockwool mineral wool products being not less than 100 years.

Gennadiy Farenyuk, Olena Oleksiienko
Investigation of the Impact of Organizational and Technological Factors on Construction Processes in the Construction of High-Rise Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Buildings

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main features of organizational and technological solutions to improve the efficiency of construction of high-rise monolithic reinforced concrete buildings, their timely commissioning, to enhance the organization of production, to reduce the cost of construction products.In order to study the factors that influence organizational and technological solutions in the construction of high-rise monolithic reinforced concrete buildings; the influence force and nature of factors, affecting the feasibility of the study, were determined by using the method of mathematical and statistical analysis of Kolmogorov's theory. Usually, it is more useful to define the parameters of the model for small sample sizes by using the criterion of Kolmogorov and to give recommendations for improving these parameters.Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of organizational and technological solutions in the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete buildings, it is necessary to determine the factors affecting its production and prepare scientifically justified recommendations.

Sahib Farzaliyev, Roman Pahomov
Desalınatıon of Salt Water by Chemıcal Method

Ways to improve the efficiency of chemical methods of water desalination process by analyzing anion was determined that the first step to further expand the scope of application of this method anionit filter regeneration NaOH instead of cyanide, which is much cheaper than the Ca (OH)2 will need to use cyanide. As it is known, when the highly acid cationites regenerate with acid, the best regeneration is Na, the good regeneration is Mg and the worst regeneration is Ca ions. The results of the raw water composition show that by using filters operating with the reverse flow principle, the first stage H-cationite filters at stoichiometric value or regenerating with an acid close to it and can achieve high exchange capacity. An effective technology for regeneration of anionite filters with lime solution has been developed and studied in AUAC. In this technology, wastewater is not produced and regeneration products are removed from the system in the form of a calcium sulfate suspension. Anionit filters waste with lime and H-cationite 3–5% solution of sulfuric acid regeneration technology developed filters. Alkali and acid regeneration technologies have been proposed stexiometrik private consumption is equal to the price.

Gulnar Feyziyeva, Olena Stepova
Research of Methods of Calculation of Thermal Characteristics of Enclosing Designs in Summer Conditions of Operation

The methods of calculation of heat resistance of enclosing constructions are analyzed in the work. The dynamic thermal performance of a building envelope describes the thermal behavior of a component when it is subjected to varying boundary conditions. The result of the calculation according to the national method is represented by values that do not allow to include them in the assessment of the overall energy efficiency of buildings. To verify the results of a theoretical study of the dynamics of the temperature regime of the enclosing structure, experimental measurements were carried out.

Olena Filonenko, Gennadiy Farenyuk, Olexandr Semko, Nataliia Mahas
Flexural Strength of Steel-Reinforced Concrete Composite Structural Span Elements

The analytical model of calculation of flexural strength of steel-reinforced concrete composite truss (structural) running elements is proposed in the work. This model makes it possible to calculate the strength of the calculated sections of truss run elements taking into account their stress–strain state at the time of maximum bearing capacity. Comparison of experimental test data of steel-reinforced concrete truss beams and elements, which were performed by scientists of the world, with theoretical calculations of the proposed model confirmed the possibility of its use in the practice of their design. The following analytical dependencies can be used to solve two practical problems: checking the flexural strength and designing the optimal cross sections of structural trusses of steel-reinforced concrete running elements.

Tatiana Galinska, Dmytro Ovsii, Alexandra Ovsii
Preparation Technique of Experimental Specimens of Steel and Concrete Composite Slabs

The composite frames are used widely as the roof system for different buildings or structures as well as covering spaces as a shell. The technique of experimental investigation of steel and concrete composite space frames (SCCS frame) is compiled because it is a novel type of structure and has not sufficiently behavior investigated yet. The current investigation is aimed at prefabrication technique description. This research is a complete study of prefabrication techniques and also the strength of materials for making prototypes of the SCCS frame, which consist of steel lattice and steel and concrete composite slab (SCC slab) as well as include top and bottom chords. The research includes testing specimens of the concrete cubes and prism and reinforcement bars. It has long been known that concrete is often and widely used for slabs and surfaces in compression or bending. However, the SCC slab has another way of reinforcement than an ordinary reinforced concrete slab.

Leonid Storozhenko, Grygorii Gasii, Myron Hohol, Olena Hasii
Calculation of a Compressed Reinforced Concrete Element with a Circular Cross Section Using a Three-Line Concrete Compression Scheme

The application of a nonlinear deformation model allows the maximum use of the ultimate strength of materials. In addition, only on the basis of such models that reflect reality as much as possible, it is possible to correctly evaluate the deformation solutions of a reinforced concrete element. The article develops an effective numerical engineering method for calculating compressed reinforced concrete elements of circular cross-section, which has been studied much less than traditional rectangular cross-sections. When constructing the proposed calculation method, it is assumed that the hypothesis of flat sections becomes true for such a complex cross-section, when cracks occur in the zones of stretching of the reinforced concrete element. For the most sharpened section by approximation of curved axis of the centrifugal compressed element axis sinus is also formulated the equations of equilibrium deformations of the shaft and ultimately the solution of the problem is reduced to solving a system of nonlinear algebraic equations taking into account deformation of the compressible edge of the cross section and the relative height of compression zone of the cross section. On the basis of the article, a three-line curves numerically with any accuracy determines the parameters characterizing the state of tensile deformation by increasing the strain values in all changes of deformation with defined steps. The load capacity of the compressible element is determined based on the “load-bending” graph, constructed numerically for the compressible element.

Ulviye Hajiyeva Mukhlis kizi
Structural—Parametric Synthesis of Steel Combined Trusses

The aim of the research is structural—parametric synthesis of steel combined trusses with a span of 30 m according to the criteria of minimum mass and potential energy. It is shown that the bearing capacity of the structure is used most fully when using the criterion of rational design for strength. It is shown that the largest reserves of regulation of the stress deformation state and improvement of structural forms are hidden in the combined structures. The use of combined trusses instead of traditional ones makes it possible to achieve the greatest savings in metal, reducing the complexity of manufacturing and reducing installation time. It is confirmed that the rational, technological structure of the steel combined truss with a span of 30 m, which has a minimum cost of materials, minimum labor and time for its manufacture, there will be a truss 2 m high with six panels of the upper belt. The rational, on a steel expense, angle of inclination of racks of steel combined trusses in the range 78–82° is defined.

Myron Hohol, Grygorii Gasii, Volodymyr Pents, Dmytro Sydorak
Matrix Memory Device

The article considers a matrix memory element, which is a storage matrix built using diodes based on complex semiconductors. A decoder device using memory cells based on Cu2Se diodes, which provides the necessary signal based on various combinations of input signals. MD (memory device) can find application in information processing systems when creating a storage device with the required capacity and capable of working in the interval from −60 °C to +125 °C. As a multifunctional device, the requirement for the electoral device is that it is advantageous in terms of energy saving and for the same reason, the decoders are built on the elements with the lowest energy consumption. Matrix memory element can be used built using diodes based on complex semiconductors and matrix memory device can be used in information distribution and processing networks, computer technology, automation systems and in other areas of technology. İn information processing systems when creating a memory device with the required capacity. Based on the abovementioned, the devices are modern, economical, highly technological for the development and applicable to modern automation devices and switching equipment.

Mirfatma Javadova, Ilona Chernytska
Methods of Probabilistic Assessment of Building Enclosing Structures Thermal Reliability

Probabilistic method for determining statistical characteristics of heat transfer resistance and enclosing structures inner surface temperature, which takes into account random nature of enclosing structures layers thickness, thermal characteristics of materials, indoor and ambient temperatures are developed. All random variables have normal distributions, and the air temperature is presented in a form of a sequence of 12 normally distributed random variables for each month of the year. Obtained statistical characteristics of the enclosing structure inner surface temperature for each of the heating period months enable estimating the duration of thermal failure (in minutes per year) by the criteria of comfort near the enclosure and formation of condensate on its inner surface. Relative durations of thermal failures can be roughly considered as annual failure probabilities. Developed techniques allow performing a comparative assessment of different enclosing structures thermal reliability level in the given climatic conditions of operation according to the criteria of sufficient heat transfer resistance, comfort in the room and possibility of condensation on the enclosures inner surface. Performed examples of calculations indicate a sufficient level of residential buildings walls thermal reliability with facade insulation, made in accordance with current design standards of Ukraine, and impossibility of normal operation of 510 mm thick brick walls without additional insulation, which were massively erected in the second half of last century.

Alla Kariuk, Victor Pashynskyi, Mykola Pashynskyi, Fidan Mammadova
Theoretical Study of the Dynamic System «Vibration Platform − Polymer Concrete» Stress–Strain State

The analysis of the dynamic system “vibration platform polymer concrete” for the theoretical determination of the polymer concrete stress–strain state compacted by the movable frame of vibration platform was carried out. Polymer concrete, which is compacted by vibration load, was presented as a distributed parameter system. As a result of expression substitution that describes the law of the vibrating platform movable frame motion in the operating mode into the relationship between stress and deformation for the conditions of a uniaxial stress state, the law of stresses changes that arise in the polymer concrete compacted layer was found. The obtained law made it possible to determine the stresses changes in the base and on the surface of the polymer concrete compacted layer, which is deformed on the vibrating platform movable frame. The graphs are based on the found theoretical relationships. They clearly illustrate the changes in the vibration amplitude of the vibrating platform movable frame depending on the height of the product, the stresses that arise at the base and on the surface of the polymer concrete compacted layer, as well as the peculiarities of the stresses changing along the compacted layer height depending on the relative density of the polymer concrete layer for the selected impact vibration mode.

Oleksandr Maslov, Dmytro Savielov, Yuliia Salenko, Mirfatma Javadova
Experimental Study of the Efficiency of the Differential Pump of Electromagnetic Action on the Basis of Mathematical Modeling of the Parameters of Its Operation

The operation of a differential pump of electromagnetic action operating on the principle of an inductive electromagnetic accelerator is considered. To improve the accuracy of engineering calculations and analysis of the pump, its mathematical model was developed using Newton’s and Hooke’s laws, the method of dimensional analysis, the Reynolds and Froud criteria. The analysis of the mathematical model of the pump operation was carried out and the design parameters that most influence the efficiency of its operation were determined. The problem of improving the operation of the differential pump by increasing the speed of its valves is solved. The dynamics of the relative motion of the discharge valve of the plunger of the differential pump is analyzed, using the mathematical model of its operation. A parametric expression is obtained that determines the operation time of the differential pump valve. On this basis, directions for improving the operation of the pump were found and tested experimentally on a prototype. The dependence is obtained, which allows to draw conclusions about which parameters directly affect the value of the valve operation time: spring stiffness, plunger size, location of the ball relative to the coil winding, friction forces of the sleeve seals, energy loss in valve assemblies. It is established that uniform pumping of the material is achieved by reducing the time to open and close the discharge valve, which is achieved by reducing the weight of the shut-off element. The operation of pump valves with shut-off elements made of different materials has been investigated experimentally. The value of the parameter of the mass of the shut-off element at which the optimal mode of operation of the pump is achieved. By setting the minimum operating time of the pump valve, its performance is improved.

Bogdan Korobko, Anton Kivshyk, Dmytro Kulagin
Air Filter Throughput Impact Experimental Study on Internal Combustion Engine Fuel Efficiency

The article discusses the estimated indicators of fuel efficiency of vehicles. It was established that analytical and experimental data on determining the fuel efficiency of vehicles have a significant discrepancy. It was found that well-known mathematical models do not take into account the purity of the air filter element for fuel efficiency. Experimental studies were performed and processed, mathematical dependence between the specified parameters was established: air filter throughput and angular speed of crater shaft of internal combustion engine. The obtained mathematical dependence, in the form of a second degree polyonomy, is suitable for use according to the criteria of Student and Fisher. It is determined that in the future the found regression equation can be used to determine the fuel consumption of cars depending on the pollution of the air inlet system of engines.

Bogdan Korobko, Anatolii Kryvorot, Maksym Skoryk, Viktor Virchenko
Solution Pressure Pulsations into the Pipeline Size Determination in Dependence on Constructive Parameters of Valve Units of Mortar Pump

The article considers a single-piston mortar pump with electromechanical drive, ball suction and spring-loaded discharge valves, a special insert in the suction chamber and a compensator of increased volume.The analysis of the influence of hydrodynamic pressure on the valve balls is carried out taking into account all the design parameters of the hydraulic part of the mortar pump.The mechanisms of action of the hydrodynamic pressure force on the ball from the side of its solution flow on the valve ball due to such factors as the cumulative flow of the solution through the hole in the valve seat are established; the influence of normal and tangential stresses that occur in the surface layer on the surface of the valve ball and occur when the solution has a structured viscosity.

Bogdan Korobko, Inna Khomenko, Mykola Shapoval, Viktor Virchenko
Approximation Model of the Method of Design Resistance of Reinforced Concrete for Bending Elements

The paper considers approximation models of the method of design resistance of reinforced concrete for calculation of normal sections of bending reinforced concrete elements. It is proposed to use approximation dependences of two types—polynomial and linear. Both methods are based on the method of design resistance of reinforced concrete, which relies on universally accepted theory-based prerequisites and hypotheses. This method is based on the use of nonlinear deformation curves of concrete, Bernoulli hypothesis (the plane-sections hypothesis) is accepted as the correct one, and the extremum criterion for determining the bearing capacity (carrying force) based on a nonlinear deformation calculation model is used. The proposed techniques can massively simplify the calculation of bending reinforced concrete elements. They relieve from the necessity to use tables and perform complicated calculations with iteration methods, as it is intrinsic to the majority of existing methods. The possibility of determining on their basis both the bearing capacity (carrying force) and the relative height of the compressive zone of the concrete is shown in this article. The authors have conducted a check of the obtained approximation models of calculation on experimental samples of well-known researchers. The computational results indicate the computational accuracy, sufficient for practical calculations of the proposed methods. This paper presents the examples of determination of the carrying force and area of the effective reinforcement of normal sections of bending reinforced concrete elements by both offered methods. The proposed methods of calculating bending reinforced concrete elements can be widely used in design practice.

Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, Dmytro Kochkarev, Taliat Azizov, Tatiana Galinska
Analytical Procedure for Design of Centrally Compressed Bars

The article is devoted to the study of stability problems of centrally compressed bars. The difficulties of the classical solution of this problem are highlighted. In analytical form, we propose a simplified dependence for calculating the stress reduction factor. Using the author’s approach shows good agreement between the results received and the calculation results according to the normative methodology for a wide range of slenderness. An algorithm for determining the dimensions of the cross sections of steel elements loaded with a central force is also constructed. At the same time, solutions presented through the Lambert transcendental function are used to test rigidity. The convenience and advantages of using this algorithm are indicated. A practical example of the column sizing with the subsequent verification of the results according to current standards is given. The example of calculation shows the simplicity of the calculation according to the proposed algorithm and the full compliance of the result with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Anton Makhinko, Nataliia Makhinko, Oleg Vorontsov
Thermal Calculation and Its Optimization

In 2013 significant changes in respect of thermal properties for enclosures of buildings were introduced to the DBN “Thermal building insulation”. Requirements to thermal properties of enclosing structures have nearly doubled. Such changes were aimed at reducing heat consumption for buildings that will be built after the release of DBN. The same buildings that were built in the country before are subject to insulation with thermal insulation materials. The authors proposed the idea of simplifying the thermal calculation in order to have an express method of quick results. For this purpose, work was carried out to unify the types of enclosing structures for the period from 1930 to 2000. The analysis of types of heat-insulating materials which were used at that time in construction is made. As a result two classifications were proposed, presented in the form of tables. The first classification was carried out by types of enclosing structures for all residential buildings using the principles of typification and unification. The second classification, with a reduction in the nomenclature, is devoted to thermal insulation materials that serve as auxiliary insulation to enclosing structures (walls). The proposed classifications became the basis for the development of a graphical analytic method of calculation in the form of nomograms. Nomograms accelerate the calculation by obtaining instant results. Graphical analytic method of calculation allows determining the thickness of the shell of the outer walls of buildings that are being insulated.

Borys Makovetsky, Petro Sankov, Volodymyr Hilov, Mykhailo Troshin
Control of Thermal Energy Consumption Mode for Multifunctional Buildings

At present there are many mathematical models of optimal control, planning and distribution of thermal energy, however in real conditions, their use is often difficult. First of all it concerns prompt control and distribution of thermal energy among consumers when there arises a problem of prompt correction of initial information and feedback on actual consumption. At the same time, one has to deal with uncertainties of goals arising on simultaneous execution of various management tasks and providing necessary values under extreme climatic conditions or emergency situations. As a result of impact of disturbing factors (climatic parameters of environment, operating conditions of buildings, organizational factors, emergency situations and so on), and also incompleteness and inaccuracy of initial information, controlled parameters turn out to be fuzzy. Obviously, further improvement of the system of planning, control and distribution of thermal energy among consumers of different categories, improving the efficiency and reliability of the operation of modern buildings especially in extreme cases, are related to transition to a new modeling system, in particular to new information technology and creation on its basis new systems of optimal and prompt control, distribution and exploitation. In the paper we analyze possibility of using expert systems for regulating heat consumption mode in modern buildings. We often a structure of hybrid expert system of thermal energy control for modern multifunctional buildings.

Nurmammad Mammadov, Oleg Yurin
Production Risks Assessment as a Method of Construction Industry Safety Management

The dynamics of occupational injuries with fatal consequences in Ukraine was considered in the article. The main reasons that significantly affect the injuries level in the construction industry and in the construction materials industry have been identified and analyzed. The results of the production process factors comprehensive survey, which allow to assess the safety state, provide a basis for the analysis of working conditions and the operational management actions development in the construction industry and in the building materials production industry were considered. The concept of risk, main stages, methods and criteria of risk assessment are defined. The main activity directions of state and branch management bodies on reduction of risks occurrence are also recommended. It is explained in detail why risk assessment as the safety management method of technological processes and production, and as a means of practical measures implementation of industrial hazards prevention or reduction should be part of a systematic approach to the labor process implementation.

Roman Pahomov, Oleksandr Zyma, Ferahim Veliyev, Ivan Peleshko
Design of Reinforced Concrete Members Taking into Account the Influence of Biaxial Bending

The majority of reinforced concrete members are subjected to biaxial bending due to influence of many factors of constructive, technological and operational character. As a rule, a complex stress–strain state is led to a special case. This approach leads to a distortion of the true picture of the reinforced concrete member in conditions of complex loads. One of the ways to eliminate the existing problem is to introduce into the theory of calculation the complex reinforced concrete deformation model using complete stress–strain diagrams of materials. This will allow to objectively taking into account the full range of physical and mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcement. The development of the deformation model, which would equivalently reflect the patterns of phenomena occurring during the load deformation of reinforced concrete members at the critical capacity of their components depending on various factors, is an urgent problem. Its solution will make it possible to obtain effective design solutions for structural systems of buildings, to solve problems in a closed form.

Andrii Pavlikov, Olha Harkava, Kelvis Atembemoh
Strength of Masonry Indirectly Reinforced by Expanded Steel Sheets

The results of experimental investigations of the compressed masonry elements strength reinforced by expanded steel sheets are presented. These experiments make it possible to evaluate the efficiency of using this type of indirect reinforcement for brick structures that work on compression. Experimental investigations have shown that the use of high-tech reinforcement products—expanded steel sheets for the reinforcement of masonry is technically possible and economically feasible. With the same power of indirect reinforcement by meshes or sheets, the strength of elements reinforced with expanded steel sheets is on average 40% higher than analogues reinforced with welded mesh of BpI wire. Ease of manufacture and high strength make it possible to predict the widespread use of these reinforcement products in the future.

Andrii Pavlikov, Nataliia Pinchuk, Taras Kachan
Statistical Strength Characteristics of Building Structures Materials

The strength of material is an important parameter of the load-bearing capacity of building structures. Therefore, an objective assessment of the strength of building structures materials is of great importance for ensuring and calculating the reliability of structures and the proper justification of design standards. The temporary resistance and other mechanical characteristics of building materials have a statistical variance, which is well described by normal law, which has been repeatedly confirmed by test data of material samples. Relevance of regular statistical studies of material strength is linked to the constant revision of design standards. Factory tests of building material strength are performed for many years on a large scale, creating a significant array of statistical information. However, there is no common information database for these data. Some of them have been published in various scientific and technical journals, collections of articles, conference proceedings. Access to these publications is difficult. The translation into electronic form has taken place only for publications published after 2000. The article contains a systematic review of publications in leading scientific and technical journals on the problem of statistical description of the strength of structural materials such as concrete, brick, mortar, brickwork, wood. The main attention is paid to the selection of statistical strength characteristics of materials of different periods, such as mathematical expectation, standard deviation (standard), coefficient of variation, etc. Statistical approach took into account the statistical variability of material strength, allowed to reasonably control the resistance, identify total reserves and compare them for different structures on a common basis. The data presented in the article are intended for use in numerical calculations of structural reliability. In addition, the evolution of design standards for building structures is analyzed in the sense of justification of normative and design resistances and the involvement of experimental statistics.

Sergii Pichugin
Forecasting the Possible Accident Scenario on the Example of Self-framing Metal Buildings

The article aims to provide a graphical modeling of the possible accident probability at a construction site. A model feature is the calculation and frame design with a cold-formed steel. The article reveals the essence, features and disadvantages of light steel framing (LSF). The general concept of accidents statistical processing in construction is also considered in the work. For the further possibility of modeling the accident, the main stages have been identified the highest percentage of the building collapse probability. The LSF collapse examples are highlighted and presented. The accidents statistics is considered as a prerequisite for the correct and reasonable modeling of a possible accident. The calculation for modeling the frame of a real construction object, namely a superstructure with LSF, has been performed. The peculiarity of the light thin-walled steel structures calculation is highlighted. Attention is focused on the roof (truss)calculation for this project. With the help of the method of knocking out (withdrawing) individual elements of the frame supporting structures, possible destruction scenarios of the structure are considered. As a result of the work carried out, the most vulnerable area with a dangerous influence as a result of structural element stability loss was determined. Consequently, appropriate conclusions were drawn.

Sergii Pichugin, Lina Klochko
Plasticity Theory in Strength Calculations Concrete Elements Under Local Compression

To determine the strength of compressed elements, a variational method was proposed in the theory of concrete plasticity using the principle of virtual velocities. Plastic strain of concrete are considered to be localized in thin layers on the surface of failure (jump of velocities). The given basic dependences of the variational method. The problem of the strength of a concrete base when a rectangular stamp is pressed in by the method of characteristic lines under conditions of a plane stress state and plane strain has been solved and by the proposed method with a comparison of the results obtained. Two cases of destruction of a concrete base under local compression without splitting and during its implementation are considered. Dependencies provided for determining the ultimate load value under the stamp. The boundary between the cases of destruction is established depending on the ratio of the height of the base to the width of the stamp.

Volodymyr Pohribnyi, Oksana Dovzhenko, Oleksiy Fenko, Dmytro Usenko
Construction Companies Development and Competitiveness Ensuring Based on Project Management Standards Implementation

The state of industry and construction in Ukraine, the world experience of effective project management application in construction and investment projects and enterprise development programs are studied. The need for construction of new or reconstruction, modernization and technical re-equipment of existing buildings and structures for industrial and civil purposes, including infrastructure, was identified. Specific requirements, procedures and tools were defined. They allow to successfully manage the implementation of “turnkey” construction projects. Recommendations and procedures for project managers and project teams, as well as project management standards to be implemented by Ukrainian construction companies to ensure their continued development and competitiveness were proposed. The recommendations given in the article concern: the project manager; the project initiating procedure; the order and principles of communications construction; project or program staff; features of report preparation and their analytical processing; work with contracts and contractors; implementation of the project engineering main functions; their software and hardware; activities and interactions of leading managers, program managers and senior management; development of basic business processes regulations; project planning, budgeting and evaluation; decision-making. The application of the proposals and recommendations presented in the work will facilitate the rapid transition of Ukrainian construction companies to world standards of construction management, as well as ensure their development and competitiveness.

Oleksandr Redkin, Oleksandr Zyma, Sahib Farzaliyev, Olha Tsvihunenko
Classification of Self-stressed Steel-Concrete Composite Structures

The essence of building structures preliminary stressing is the creation of internal stresses in them, opposite to those that arise during operation. The creating of initial stresses in building structures from their own weight greatly simplifies the pre-stressing process due to the unnecessary spending on additional measures and adaptations. Preliminary stresses in this case can be created due to the well-chosen nodes sizes and the development of technology for building structures preliminary assembly. In this sense, the term “self-stress” is used in this work. As is known, steel—concrete composite structures are made of successfully combined steel mainly rod elements and monolithic concrete. The creation of pre-compression of concrete in steel—concrete composite structures will have a positive effect on increasing their overall load-bearing capacity. In this work the classification of self-stressed steel—concrete composite structures depending on the method of pre-stresses creating in them and the type of deformed state on which these structures will work in the frame of the building. Preliminary self-stresses in steel—concrete composite structures can be created by the following measures: using the stressing cement for concrete mortar preparation, prediction of constructive measures for additional compaction of fresh concrete mortar (centrifugation) or for the hardened concrete pre-compression, constructive tension of the external reinforcement (sprung), changing the cross section geometric characteristics or the design scheme of the elements work in the manufacturing process, specially developed step-by-step technology of constructions manufacturing.

Oleksandr Semko, Anton Hasenko
Study of Structural-Sorption Properties of Materials Made on the Basis of Clay-Ultradispers Additional Mixture

The article is devoted to the research of structural and sorption properties of the material obtained on the basis of a mixture of clay and ultradispersed additives. For this purpose, one of the most common methods of regulating hydrophilicity was considered to be the use of surface-active additives. To determine the sorption capacity of the ceramic mass, both hydraulic clays, which are widely used in the building ceramics industry, and bentonite clays with high sorption capacity were used. According to the experiments, the use of surface-active additives led to an increase in the adsorption of water by the ceramic mass. The influence of increased water adsorption on the properties of the ceramic material was determined experimentally. Since the properties of ceramic materials, such as absorption and density, reflect their structure, the effect of surface-active additives on these properties was studied, and it was determined that the density of the ceramic material increased significantly. Surface-active additives increase the plasticity of the ceramic mass and, consequently, improve the structural and technical properties of the material.

Irada Shirinzade, Bulud Baghirov, Olena Mykhailovska
Automated Measuring Station for Road Structures Stamp Tests

A research prototype of a measuring station was developed and created. It is a set of test equipment integrated into a single automated complex for the rapid determination of road structures and their layers deformation characteristics during stamp tests. This excludes the operator’s manual work and increases tests productivity. At the same time, any truck or road vehicle may be used to create a load. A measuring unit with installed specific software is used for measurement results registration and processing.

Ivan Shuliak, Nadiya Pavlenko, Volodymyr Ilchenko, Akif Gasimov
Research of Risks of Depressurization of Steel Oil Pipelines

Modern development of safety theory justifies the introduction into practice of providing the necessary parameters of the state of technical facilities, namely pipelines and the environment, including operational conditions, climatic features of areas, standardized parameters of risk and safety, based on reliability, strength, resource, survivability. Based on mathematical model of electrochemical corrosion of oil pipeline in the coating cavity under the aggressive affect of electrolyte environment on the metal of the oil pipelines, the correlation has been found and studied, which enables counting of the remaining depth pit of the corrosive oil pipeline wall of macrogalvanic corrosive couples on the condition of aggressive liquid being in the affected area. The advantage of the given model is an opportunity to predict the development of corrosion progression over time irrespective of aggressive electrolyte chemical composition, opportunity of the necessary design parameters for the constructions that are operated. Correlation of section the assessment of the remaining corrosion cavity of an oil pipeline has been developed which gives an opportunity to rationally plan the repairs, predict the real terms of construction operating, reconsider the operation conditions etc. The given results enable valid assessment of the loadbearing capacity of the construction that operate in the aggressive environment with the defects.

Olena Stepova, Elena Hanoshenko, Gulnar Feyziyeva, Yuliia Chukhlib
The Main Directions of the Solution of the Problems of Providing the Houses at Affordable Prices in the Azerbaijan Republic by Effective Project Management of Housing Construction

It is very important to Providing of housing to the population at affordable prices in the developing countries. It should be noted that the concept of “reasonable price” is differently stated in the experience of different countries of the world. However, the fact that the cost of obtaining housing should not exceed 40–50% of family income is a standard adopted in most countries. The Studies show that today about 330 million families in developing and also in developed countries are faced with the problem of obtaining quality housing at affordable prices, and this figure is gradually increasing. Despite the fact that the number of apartments built in the Azerbaijan Republic, which is rapidly developing in the residential real estate market, is quite large, it is impossible to purchase housing for the low-income population, since the prices are very high. It also plays a role the high price of land in cities and low mortgage lending. In investments in housing construction, the proportion invested in land purchases is very high.Taking into account the above, the Strategic Road Map was developed and adopted to increase the affordability of housing in the Republic of Azerbaijan. To achieve the nominated goals established the State Agency for Housing Construction (abbreviation in Azeri-MIDA) and started construction of two large residential complexes. This article touches upon the task of providing the population of Azerbaijan with housing at affordable prices.

Ferahim Veliyev, Oleksandr Redkin
Influence of the Rear Verge Configuration of the Retaining Wall and Surface of Backfill on Active Pressure of Heterogeneous Anisotropic Soil

Active pressure of heterogeneous anisotropic backfill on a massive retaining wall with different rear verges orientations was determined with various options for flat boundaries of soil layers. Numerical researches were carried out for loose soil, anisotropy of strength properties of which is presented in the form of piecewise linear hodographs of the angle of internal friction. Various combinations of anisotropic strength characteristics of contact soil layers were considered, which made it possible to evaluate the effect of anisotropy on lateral soil pressure. The results of numerical simulation are presented in tabular form. Comparative analysis indicates a significant effect of the configuration of the rear verges of the wall and the features of the stratification of contact soil layers on lateral pressure.

Yuriy Vynnykov, Inha Voitenko
Constructive Features of the Device “Trombe Wall” During Thermal Modernization of the Existing Building

The article presents a constructive solution for the modernization of the enclosure structures of the operated building. Measures were taken to reduce the annual power delivery for heating. A comprehensive approach has been implemented by combining measures to increase the heat transfer resistance of enclosure structures and the introduction of solar heating systems. In particular, it is proposed: replacement of translucent parts with energy efficient ones; heat insulation of opaque parts of the walls; arrangement of two partitions of the southern wall in the form of elements of passive solar heating - “Trombe Wall”. The constructive decision of an element of passive heating does not demand installation of the additional equipment and saves the useful area of the room. To preserve the carrying function of the partition when installing thermal insulation from another wall array, it is proposed to use the method of perforation. Experimental design of complex modernization of the shell and heating system of the existing residential building has been performed. The comparison of initial and design heat needs confirmed the feasibility of introducing a set of energy efficient measures, in particular, the integration into the existing heating system of the house of a passive heating element - “Trombe Walls”. The introduction of elements of the passive heating system, which works on the principle of utilization and use of solar radiation on the scale of a single house has reduced the total cost of heat generation during the heating season by 6%.

Dmytro Yermolenko, Grigoriy Sharyi, Oleksandr Lapenko, Oleksandr Palyvoda
Analysis of the Humidity Condition of Wall Enclosing Structures of Cooling Warehouses and Possible Ways to Improve It

The paper deals with the wall enclosing structures of cooling warehouses, erected recently (which mainly use metal sandwich panels) and erected in the second half of the 20th century (using bricks, expanded clay and reinforced concrete panels and effective insulation). The analysis of a humidity condition of wall enclosing structures of cooling warehouses which showed their unsatisfactory condition is executed. The analysis of possible ways to improve the humidity condition of wall enclosing structures of existing cooling warehouses, such as: reducing the thickness of the outer layer from the cooled premises, increasing the resistance to vapor penetration of the vapor barrier layer, using of ventilated air layer between the inner outer and insulation. The analysis showed that it is possible to fulfill the norms of the humidity state by reducing the thickness of the inner outer layer to 5 mm or by using a ventilated air layer which ventilated by air from the cooled premises.

Oleg Yurin, Nurmammad Mammadov, Pavlo Semko, Nataliia Mahas
Influence of Strengthening Flat Slab by External Prestressed Reinforcement on Deformation Characteristics of the Slab

When designing and erecting monolithic frame buildings it can happen that at one stage of construction an error was made. Or during the reconstruction of the building, the operational load was increased.In this case, the structure may become unusable in the conditions for which it was designed.In the event of such situations, it is necessary to perform reinforcement of structures that do not meet the operating conditions.This article presents the results of experimental studies of a model of a flat reinforced concrete slab reinforced with external prestressed reinforcement.A comparison of the results of the plate under load without reinforcement, and with load and reinforcement.According to the results of the experiment, it was found that this method of strengthening flat plates gives a positive result. That is why this method can be used for strengthening flat slabs.

Oleksandr Zhuravskyi, Vladyslav Tymoshchuk, Nataliia Zhuravska, Mukhlis Hajiyev
Influence of Fly Ash Additives on Strength Characteristics of Soil–Cement as a Material for Waste Storage Construction

Innovative ways of using fly ash to improve the strength of soil–cement are analyzed. It is proposed to solve the environmental problem of utilization of this material, when using the addition of fly ash during the construction of soil–cement elements. The strength of soil–cement samples with the addition of fly ash (with the main content of fly ash with a percentage of 5, 10 and 15% by weight of cement) at the age of 28 and 90 days was studied. It is established that the average compressive strength of the samples with the addition of Mikolaev CHP fly ash with a fraction of inclusions up to 4 mm in the amount of 5% increases the compressive strength by 30% (at the age 28 days). The expediency of the application of fly ash for soil–cement elements in the construction of waste storage is analyzed.

Mykola Zotsenko, Olena Mykhailovska, Irada Shirinzade, Iryna Lartseva

Planning of Cities and Building Economics

Logistic Component of Regional Waste Management Systems Efficiency Improvement

The article is dedicated to development of current comparative analysis methods of different types of garbage trucks using effectiveness in logistics schemes of solid waste collection during their planning, adapted to regional conditions. The priority of regional approach to planning of solid waste management systems within the framework of wide implementation of regional waste management programs in Ukraine, which provide organization of solid waste collection in both urban and rural settlements, is substantiated. Factors influencing the choice of a garbage truck are considered, the role of the limiting logistical indicator is noted. A number of methods for determining the effectiveness of planning regional logistics schemes for solid waste collection are analyzed. The requirements to the criteria of specialized equipment use efficiency are given. The system of indicators is proposed for current analysis of logistics scheme technological efficiency of solid waste collection during planning, adapted to regional conditions and based on the use of indicators calculated directly in the planning process, characterize the scheme technological rationality, are easy to be calculated and can be applied under conditions of existing regional design specifics.

Viktor Bredun, Natalia Smoliar, Ahmad Sarkarli
Lexical and Semantic Features of Foreign Building Terms

The article investigates current problems of lexical and semantic features of some terms in the field of building and architecture. As a result of the analysis carried out, it has been established that in Ukrainian terminology of building and architecture there are many words of foreign origin, which were borrowed into Ukrainian due to intercultural communication and commodity exchange. External sources of enriching building terminology include borrowings from Latin, German, French, and Italian. It should be noted that the balance between their Ukrainian names, conceptual content and etymological reference is observed in terms. The standardization of term nomination is determined on the basis of its compliance with productive word-forming, morphological models of the modern Ukrainian language.

Liudmyla Cherednyk, Olena Balatska, Sadagat Valiyeva, Oksana Vorobiova
Development of Creative Economy Objects as a Means of Industrial Territories Revitalization

The article considers the possibilities of using the creative economy objects (i.e. refers to a range of economic activities which are concerned with the generation or exploitation of knowledge and information) as a means of industrial territories revitalization in the modern conditions of Ukraine. Based on a comparative analysis of the development of the creative economy in Ukraine and other European countries, it is determined that despite the insignificant role of the creative economy in Ukraine now there are certain prerequisites for its further dynamic development. The world and Ukrainian experience of revitalization of industrial territories with placement of objects of creative economy, and also existing conceptual offers concerning development of objects of creative economy in Ukraine is analyzed. It is stressed that solving the problem of industrial areas revitalization is impossible without the development of creative economy organization new forms, including art clusters. The list of urban planning, organizational and financial, spatial planning and engineering and design criteria for the selection of industrial facilities for conversion into creative economy objects in the modern socio-economic conditions of Ukraine is determined.

Andrii Dmytrenko, Oleksandr Ivashko, Yulia Ivashko
Cleanroom Air Control

Cleanrooms are the necessary requirement for the further development of mankind in such areas as microelectronics, the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, medical device manufacturing and the space industry. The technique of clean rooms in solving these problems should provide control and reduction of particles and microorganisms and gas inclusions in the air. Construction and finishing materials must meet the requirements for clean rooms of the appropriate class. Concentration rates of microparticles for different classes of clean rooms are presented. The specific physical, chemical and structural properties of cleanroom envelope elements must meet four main criteria: functionality, durability, and ability to be cleaned, repair ability. We have presented the visual method of microparticle counting by the optical setup. The registration of particles in them occurs due to the overlap of the light flux from the laser when passing the sample through the measuring cell. The microparticles obtained from a machine with the HEPA filter are used for investigation with digital and optical microscope systems. High resolution optical microscope performs the duster and microorganism structure with the size 1–20 μm. The method of describing laser field pattern and model of service providing on the use of optical laboratory for visual-optical control are used for development of the optical air control system. The movement of microparticles and counting their number in the area of observation for processing video files by the software application is described. The method of optical image compressing is increased the speed of image data processing and database management system. Decision-making support methods for definition optimal construction criteria taking into accounts its cleanliness level, lifetime and profitability by fuzzy logic are started to develop.

Ganna Khoroshun, Halyna Tatarchenko, Mykola Diomin, Zakhar Tatarchenko
The Main Trends in the Development of Production Specialization Rural Settlements in the New Socio-economic Conditions of Ukraine

The article considers the main trends in the development of rural settlements of production specialization, located in the suburban areas of large and most important cities of Ukraine. Since the early 1990s, significant economic, social and demographic transformations have taken place in rural settlements of Ukraine, which affect the functional and planning structure of rural settlements, covering all its elements: housing, services, social infrastructure, and mainly—production areas and facilities. The preconditions and formation factors of new production facilities and production rural settlements are considered. The reform of the production environment and the transformation of production facilities, as well as the formation and development of new types of production and new types of settlements have been analyzed. New types of rural settlements of industrial purpose are considered. For the first time the factors determining the reconstruction of rural settlements of industrial direction are determined; the typology of production settlements in large cities suburban areas has been improved; proposals for improving industrial settlements depending on the quantitative characteristics of the defining parameters of the territory are developed; recommendations for the location of production of cultivation in the relevant area of the rural settlement depending on its specialization are improved.

Tetiana Kuzmenko, Andrii Dmytrenko, Javid Teymurov, Vasyl Liakh
International Cooperation in the Protection of Historical and Architectural Heritage of Azerbaijan

Active cooperation with international organizations, primarily with UNESCO, contributed to the introduction of a new expanded concept of heritage and the creation of a new heritage management system. Currently, there are 3 monuments of architecture, 9 monuments of intangible culture included in UNESCO lists. The inclusion of Icheri Sheher in the World Heritage List in danger (2003–2009) contributed to the adoption of a whole range of economic, social, scientific and technical measures, the creation of a modern management system for this complex of monuments. Restoration work involving of foreign specialists, the use of new technologies, new approaches to the adaptation of monuments have become good experience for the development of a system of monuments’ protection. This and other examples of beneficial international cooperation have contributed to the formation of a new attitude towards the conservation and sustainable development of heritage. At the same time, there are problems that cannot be solved even with the help of international organizations. This is the salvation of monuments in the zone of armed conflict. Monuments become victims not only of military operations, but also of deliberate, systematic destruction and falsification. The article considers various aspects of the history and preservation of the architectural heritage of Azerbaijan.

Gulchohra Mammadova
Ways of Integration of the Landform Architecture Buildings with Landscape

Presently, in the context of ecological crisis, the modern architecture wends the way of the sustained development conception. There are rethinking of approaches and planning methods, including traditional attitude of architecture toward a landscape, influence of artificial, anthropogenic environment on nature and man. It resulted in becoming of landform architecture as a particular trend at the end of XX century. This article is aimed at exposure and systematization of ways of integration of buildings with landscape on the basis of the landform approach. The evidential analysis, empiric and system analyses were involved to achieve this objective. A scientific novelty consists in the exposure of ways, systematization and generalization of possible types of integration of building with landscape. The research resulted in emphasizing of three types of such integration: above-ground, deepened in relief and underground buildings. Building synergy with landscape is considered on the example of different types of relief: plain, hill, mountain, cavity. Based on analysis the composition ways of a building form synergy with natural surroundings are distinguished. Practical value of this research consists in possibility to use the distinguished ways while planning and building the landform architecture objects.

Natalia Novoselchuk, Liudmyla Shevchenko, Mohammad Arif Kamal
Design Principles for Inclusive Environment of Urban Agrorecreational Eco-complexes

The problem of creating an inclusive environment in urban agrorecreational eco-complexes are considered. The peculiarities of the criteria of accessibility, informativeness and comfort have been determined in the article. There were analyzed and classified requirements for the design of urban agrorecreational eco-complexes taking into account the needs of people with limited mobility. The main means of inclusive environment in urban agrorecreational eco-complexes have also been determined. There have been analyzed the following main means of barrier-free accessibility for the elements of the external space of urban agrorecreational eco-complexes: external ramp, exit ramp, raised pedestrian crossing, lifting device, external stairs, parking space for a person with disabilities. The authors have considered the main elements of universal (inclusive) design and barrier-free environment in interior space of urban agrorecreational eco-complexes: internal ramp, internal stairs, approach ramp, elevator, internal lifting device, escalator, ambulatory compartment for people with disabilities. The main means of universal (inclusive) design for the elements of external and internal space of urban agrorecreational eco-complexes have been outlined in this scientific survey. The following tactile elements of accessibility have been considered: tactile guiding strip, warning tactile strip, informational tactile strip, tactile resource book. Visual accessibility elements (signs in contrast colors, information plates and informers) and auditory accessibility elements (external detectors or speech systems), have also been identified and analyzed.

Tetiana Pavlenko, Tetyana Lytvynenko, Viktoriia Ivasenko, Alina Zyhun
Ukrainian Post-socialist Cities and Integrated Development

Modern Ukrainian cities in the post-socialist time of their development found themselves in a situation of the lack of an appropriate urbanistic methodology. Socialist urban development doctrines of urban development no longer work in the new socio-political and economic realities and new methodologies are required. One of these methodologies is fractal urbanism. One of the postulates of this methodology for the post-socialist city is the UN Sustainable Development Initiative (SCI) and the Integrated Development Concept (ISEK).

Vadim Vadimov, Anna Vadimova
Lighting Means as Factors Influencing the Formation of Architectural Environment

Architecture provides comfortable environment, adapts to regional peculiarities of natural environment. Going through the atmosphere, radiant energy of the Sun, is partially scattered, absorbed and reaches the Earth’s surface in the form of direct radiation and radiation scattered from the sky. Part of the radiant energy is reflected from the underlying surface, surrounding objects, and creates reflected radiation. Elements of the radiation mode are necessary to assess natural lighting of the premises. As the height of the Sun above the horizon rises, there’s observed a rise in both direct and scattered components of radiation. Cloudiness affects the intensity of scattered radiation. Transparent atmosphere increases direct and reduces scattered components of radiation. Among the various concepts of rural houses in the middle of the XXth century the most widespread appeared to be five types of planning (three of them being typical for a large territory of Ukraine), which turned out to be the result of further development and improvement of the previous planning techniques.

Aleksandr Vasilenko, Andrii Koniuk, Kateryna Palii
The Changing Role of Managers of Different Levels in the Increasing Employee Loyalty in the Construction Organizations

The role of managers has been considered in the motivational processes in construction organizations. It has been indicated that modern attitude to the increasing of employee loyalty requires effective communication of all level managers with employees. It makes employees feel valued and important for the organization. In this direction the role of lower-level managers should be increased, and it is necessary to provide their engagement in the decision-making process especially regarding setting motivational policies.

Konul Aghayeva, Iryna Krekoten
The Main Vectors of Labor and Education Transformation of Modern Workforce

The article reveals that in the long run social and labor relations may undergo radical changes in three main directions or vectors.First, the boundaries of the traditional division of labor will change, the boundaries of professions will be erased, the rate of “extinction” of traditional professions will accelerate, and new, previously unpredictable ones will emerge.Second, forms of employment are changing. Along with the traditional contractual forms of labor relations, employment in the form of freelance, crowdsourcing, insourcing, flexible forms of inclusion of professionals in labor activity, remote employment, project form of employment, etc. are actively developing.Third, human mobility increases throughout employment. This is due to the intensification of migration processes (more than 60% of those who change their place of residence do so for reasons of work and employment), as well as inter-professional, intersectoral, intra-firm mobility.“Lifelong learning” as a principle and concept is increasingly developed and implemented in practice. The trend is becoming more stable when a person changes his professional affiliation 3…4 times during his working life. In the workplace, traditional barriers to the professional division of labor are increasingly being overcome. Jobs are formed for the tasks, competencies of the employee, the client, technology and more. Therefore, a person needs to be guided in professions not only during their choice, but also throughout their working life.

Alla Bielova, Svitlana Koval, Nataliia Zhuravska, Asaf Agayev
Strategies of the New Time in the Perspective Development of Innovation-Oriented Economy of Ukraine

The current tasks of ensuring the innovative development of the economy are considered in the article, given the development of new projects and strategies that are innovative and cover the development of each country, taking into account the importance of economic, social and environmental vectors. Redesign of social, economic and environmental vectors is substantiated with the use of intelligent solutions with appropriate technical and technological provision and professional provision. New prototypes of the way of life of society are described, in which new models of economic and social institutions are shown, which have a digital platform and are focused on new values, which are characterized by intangible character. Collectively, such changes are manifested in the development of effective mechanisms for the development of urban areas, based on the efficient use of natural resources, smart urban infrastructure, focus on quality man-made changes, ensuring the basic needs of the population and provision of sustainable development. The innovative dimension of constructing the city of the future is determined, which is manifested in the multistructuring of urban infrastructure and the offer of new services, which are an element of new values.

Tetiana Bochulia, Svitlana Sivitska
Construction Management Based on European Experience of Using Smart-City Technology

The definitions of the basic concepts “intellectual city”, “digital city”, “city of knowledge” and “sustainable city”, etc. have been analyzed. It has been proved that city government is crucial for solving global problems. It has been stated that the most progressive integrated “network” approach to the implementation of Smart-City technologies known from European practice is used by the United Kingdom is. It has been found out that nowadays Smart London is a kind of platform that accumulates innovations and their creators. It has been established that Smart-City is an innovation and e-service that helps residents solve issues in a variety of areas on a daily basis, from parking and charging to medical care or services payment, and the implemented Transport For London strategy has become one of the best role models. The smartest European cities rating has been studied taking into account the following criteria: human capital (development, attraction and education of talents), social cohesion (consensus between different social groups), economy, environment, governance, management, urban planning, international relations, technologies, mobility and transport (lightness). Positive and negative results obtained after the smartest European cities evaluation have been described. Examples of transition to the smart cities formation effective strategy in Ukraine have been given.

Liudmyla Boldyrieva, Shahla Alizada, Viktor Gryshko, Mariya Hunchenko
Management in the Construction Sector Using Smart Technologies: European Experience

The practical experience of European countries on use and dissemination of Smart technologies in construction were studied, which shows that to change difficult situation in the construction sector of the economy it is necessary to: firstly, actively use Smart technologies in construction; secondly, gradually reduce energy consumption in the construction and housing sectors through mass construction of energy-efficient buildings and structures; thirdly, to reconstruct the already built ones. It was established that the introduction of Smart Home system is becoming more and more relevant, which allows to make everyday life more convenient: saves energy (automatic switching off of the light); saves money (automatic switching off of heating as soon as windows open); provides the best protection for the house (automatically gives an audible alarm when the intruder enters, and warns residents by sending push messages to their smartphones). Certain advantages from the use of Smart technologies in construction were described. The characteristic of the software for architectural and construction design and preparation of construction documentation was given in the article. Systems for monitoring of architectural and construction projects and planning of construction works, design of building constructions of building’s engineering systems, automated design of general purpose were analyzed by authors. Architectural and construction applications for AutoCAD and applications for design and calculation of plumbing systems were described. The characteristics of programs for calculation of building structures, design and calculations of pipelines, heat exchangers, geotechnical calculations, design of infrastructure objects were given in the article.

Liudmila Boldyrieva, Alina Chaikina, Khanlar Ganiyev
Implementation of Energy Efficient Technologies and Systems in Housing Construction

The article is devoted to the features of energy efficiency and energy saving, topical issues of the development of energy efficient construction in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the types of structural systems, building materials, products and equipment that meet the requirements of energy saving, environmental safety, manufacturability, efficiency, low labor intensity of construction, adaptability to the conditions of reconstruction and modernization of residential and industrial buildings. Specific heat losses in buildings and structures of Ukraine are analyzed. The structure of heat energy losses through separate enclosing structures depending on the number of storeys of the building is considered. The conditions on which the strategy of energy saving in the sphere of construction and operation of buildings and structures should be based are proposed. Energy-saving urban planning, architectural and planning solutions, constructive, engineering systems are proposed. The types of energy efficient building materials are considered. The physicomechanical and thermophysical properties of window frames are estimated. The efficiency of energy saving in the residential sector is calculated due to various technologies and systems.

Olha Dzhyhora, Akif Gasimov
Methodological Approach to Creating a Cluster in the System of Innovation-Oriented Management of the Construction Complex Development

The methodological approaches to the creation of a cluster in the system of innovation-oriented management of the construction complex development are determined. An advanced model that determines the principles, conditions of activity and the expected economic effect from the introduction of the cluster is proposed. The model is aimed at ensuring the innovative development of the construction complex and reducing the cost of construction. The directions of innovation-oriented management of the construction complex development are proposed; their implementation makes it possible to obtain combinatorial advantages from the joint activities of its participants.

Oksana Furmanchuk, Olena Filonych, Olena Koba, Vitaliya Skryl
Features of Strategic Analysis of Externals Factors of the Building Organization: Methodological Aspect

The article considers the types of modified PEST analysis (PESTLE, SLEPT, DESTEP, PESTPMED, STEP, STEEPLE, PESTLIED), which are important in the development of projects and development programs. It is determined which tasks can be solved with the help of strategic analysis. It is the strategic analysis that answers the question of how to achieve the desired in 3–5 years. The features of strategic analysis of building organizations are certain. It is proposed to use the LoNGPESTLE method—analysis for the implementation of international projects, which will minimize risks and increase profitability. Its advantages are: simplicity, the ability to carry out individually or collectively, allows you to capture many thoughts at once; identify factors that may effect, for a construction organization, this is important in the implementation of projects using funds from international organizations (and/or) the involvement of innovative technologies. It can be used regularly with a fixed time to track the dynamics of changes in strategy indicators.

Volodymyr Grishko, Inna Kulchii, Alla Glebova, Turkan Hasanova
Assessment of the Regional Energy Efficiency Potential of the Housing Sector of Ukraine

This article develops a methodological approach to the integrated assessment of potential opportunities for energy efficiency providing for the residential sector in the regional context. Regional comparison of energy efficiency potential is based on values that characterize technical, economic, and social components of energy efficiency in the residential sector. The regions are ranked according to the integrated values and clusters are formed according to the level of energy efficiency assessment, which characterizes the differentiation of regional effectiveness of organizational and economic supplying of energy efficiency in the residential sector. The results, attained during the estimation of potential opportunities of energy efficiency management give the possibility to assess not only the action efficacy of all government branches to implement energy-efficient technologies but also to identify opportunities to apply political instruments to support the practice of stable building, based on sustainable development principles.

Olha Komelina, Svitlana Shcherbinina, Mahabbat Mammadov
Economic Reforms and Development Strategies as Providing Sustainable Development

The article examines the economic reforms carried out in Azerbaijan, the goals outlined by industries according to Strategic Plan of the “Strategic Road Map for the National Economy and Main Sectors of the Economy”, aimed at implementing these reforms, development strategies, and reforms carried out in accordance with State Programs. It has been noted the importance of these reforms in the national economy sustainable and constant development. The article describes the development of the non-oil sector in the framework of general, sectoral and regional programs adopted in Azerbaijan to achieve sustainable development, diversification of the economy, development of infrastructure aimed at ensuring socio-economic development. Thus, the level of gas supply infrastructure in the regions, the level of gasification, the level of industrialization, the creation and development of infrastructure in existing industrial zones, as well as the implementation of clustering measures were reviewed and determined that in 2019, 46 enterprises were registered as residents and more than 8,000 permanent jobs have been created. At the same time, during the 4th stage of the industrial revolution, the implementation of innovations in the field of ICT in Azerbaijan, the creation of new opportunities for sustainable development of the country as a result of digitalization and the formation of a digital economy were introduced.

Fidan Mammadova, Mahabbat Mammadov, Alla Kariuk, Emil Mammadov
The Role of Financial and Investment Potential in Achieving Economical Equilibrium in Construction

The article considers the categories of “equilibrium” and its main types, “economical equilibrium”, equilibrium macroeconomic models. It is proved that equilibrium can be achieved through economy crises, which serve as specific tool for rebalancing and overcoming disequilibrium.There have been formed the main directions of the state economic policy for overcoming system contradictions of economic destabilization in Ukraine. The article stresses the key role of construction in creating economical equilibrium and identifies the ways to build Ukraine’s development potential. The authors of the article have analyzed indicators of construction development of Ukraine, determined the main tendencies of changes and carried out modeling of the equilibrium position of the Ukrainian construction industry. The author’s approach to modeling the coefficient of economic equilibrium in construction has been worked out in this scientific study.

Inna Miniailenko, Volodymyr Byba, Elshad Yusifov, Anna Pavelieva
Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Innovative Development of Enterprises in the Construction Industry

The article is devoted to the issue of creating an economic and mathematical model of innovative development of enterprises in the construction industry. The analysis of economic and mathematical models carried out in the article allowed to reveal the general patterns of application of these techniques in the construction industry, to allocate their advantages and disadvantages. Analysis of the state of the construction industry showed its inertia. However, the conservative construction industry is undergoing radical changes. It was found that the innovative development of the construction industry is not only a specific modern technology or new building material, but also a fairly broad engineering organizational and legal implementation. Analysis of modern innovative developments in the construction industry has identified the construction of energy-efficient houses. The paper considers in detail two economic and mathematical models of innovative development of enterprises in the construction industry. It has been established that functional models reflect informational, physical and temporal construction processes. The use of a functional model will help to invest wisely and take into account the interests of the customer, investor, as well as the creditor. The balance model makes it possible to achieve balanced conditions for innovative development of enterprises in the construction industry.

Volodymyr Onyshchenko, Natalia Ichanska, Vitaliia Skryl, Oksana Furmanchuk
Risks and Threats to Economic Security of Enterprises in the Construction Industry Under Pandemic Conditions

The paper actualises the problem of identification of risks and threats to economic security of enterprises in the construction industry under pandemic conditions. It proves that ensuring timely identification of potential or real threats to economic security of enterprises in the construction industry is essential to develop a set of preventing measures for preventing or minimising the causes of their manifestation. A statistical analysis indicates the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine measures upon the development of national economics in general and construction industry in particular. The paper describes the negative tendencies in the Ukrainian construction industry market. It proves that an efficient tool for preventing and effective overcoming the negative consequences of pandemic is timely identification of risks and threats to enterprise security in the construction industry. It suggests an improvement to multi-criteria classification of risks and threats to enterprises in the construction industry, which enables detailing the preconditions of threats and their sources, and rather more systematic approach to their predicting, forecasting their negative impact, identifying the quality structure of risks as well as taking into consideration the possibility of system risks development. The authors developed a structure model that enables identifying the predominant factors and preconditions of threats to appear, which allows removing the threats in an early stage of their development, predicting the probability of threats to appear, and taking preventive measures for their timely removing.

Svitlana Onyshchenko, Alina Hlushko, Oleksandra Maslii, Vitaliia Skryl
Increasing Information Protection in the Information Security Management System of the Enterprise

The article actualizes the problem of management and strengthening of enterprises information security. It is proved that in the conditions of information and technological development it is the information that has become a factor that forms the competitiveness of many business entities. A statistical analysis of the level of cybercrime and financial losses from crimes in cyberspace. It is substantiated that construction of an effective information security management system based on international standards of the ISO series is the key to the successful operation of enterprises. The method of error correction in the system of residual classes is determined by the basis of improving the information security of economic entities.The method of enterprise data errors correction in the system of residual classes is developed in the article, which is based on the application of corrective properties of L-codes, which are formed when using mutually pairwise difficult bases. This method enables expanding the class of corrected errors that are corrected, which expands the corrective capabilities of L-codes. Examples of performing the correction operation are given, as well as the features of the implementation of the device for detecting data errors are described.

Svitlana Onyshchenko, Alina Yanko, Alina Hlushko, Svitlana Sivitska
Contribution Ukraine’s Sustainable Energy Development (Modelling and Forecasting)

Formation and development peculiarities of Ukraine’s sustainable energy development and its energy efficiency potential use have been determined. The characteristics of sustainable energy development model are complexity, multilevel, multifactorality, the presence of specific peculiarities and interdependencies of its components, their functions and parameters. The methodology for assessing energy efficiency potential requires non-standard approaches use in the study of external and internal factors impact on the national economy effectiveness to the criterion of energy efficiency. It is important to take into account the dynamics of changes in the vector and the strength of the factors influence depending on the world energy markets, domestic goods and services energy intensity, markets’ structure changes and competition conditions. The strategic objectives of Ukraine’s sustainable energy development are to increase the level of energy efficiency and ensure the country’s energy security.

Volodymyr Onyshchenko, Olha Komelina, Igor Shchurov
Impact of Innovation and Digital Technologies on the Financial Security of the State

The article reveals the content of the economy digitalization as a challenge to the financial security of the state. The main advantages and additional opportunities for the national economic system from the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies are investigated. A comparative analysis of the level of implementation of innovations and digital technologies in Ukraine and other countries worldwide is carried out. It is substantiated that efficiency of the financial system in the face of the challenges associated with digital transformation is crucial in the development and maintenance of socio-economic stability of the state. A meaningful description of the financial security of the state is given, taking into account the concept of the information society. Risks, preconditions and factors of emergence of threats to financial security of the state in the conditions of digitalization are revealed. A multi-criteria description of threats to the financial security of the state in the process of digital transformation is given. The low level of protection against digital threats in Ukraine is revealed due to technological unpreparedness for introduction of innovations and digital technologies. It is established that ignoring the negative impact of fundamentally new threats, such as the cryptocurrency market, electronic payment services, cybercrime in the financial system and spread of misinformation, makes it impossible to ensure financial security. It is substantiated that indicators of digitalization processes should be taken into account in order to identify modern threats, objectively assess their impact and form priority areas for ensuring the financial security of the state.

Volodymyr Onyshchenko, Svitlana Yehorycheva, Oleksandra Maslii, Nadiia Yurkiv
Alternative Energy Construction in Ukraine: Analysis and Economic Feasibility

In modern terms, solving the problem of improving Ukraine’s energy security is considered through the possibility of using the alternative energy market potential, the prerequisite for effective regulation of which is to determine strategic priorities for its development, creating an appropriate institutional environment and regulatory framework.The state and prospects of alternative energy development and direct construction of renewable energy generation facilities in Ukraine are analyzed. The structure of energy consumption according to the categories of energy consumers is studied. The logical sequence of direct and indirect impact of construction of renewable energy sources on the economic stability and security of the country is determined. It was analyzed the growth tendency of using non-traditional energy in context of the state, households and comparison of the energy security level in European countries.One of the main ways to restore and further develop the country’s economy is its transition to using and generation of «green energy», as RES-related projects will be cost-effective and help attract investment.

Volodymyr Onyshchenko, Svitlana Sivitska, Anna Cherviak, Volodymyr Datsenko
Problems and Factors of Construction Business Innovation and Investment Development

The article is dedicated to consideration of theoretical and applied aspects of the main balance factors of construction business successful innovation and investment development. The analysis of scholars’ works enabled presenting the components of a construction enterprise innovation and investment development, in particular process, resource and potential. Considering the relationship between innovation potential and development, the author's definition is suggested, where construction business innovative development is an activity based on constant search and use of new methods, technologies and areas of enterprise potential realization in changing external and internal market of construction products and the adopted competitive strategy of activity and business development. Analysis of the problems associated with conservatism and slowness in introduction and dissemination of new technologies in the construction industry is performed. Despite the fact that energy-efficient technologies are being actively introduced in the industry, “smart homes” are being built etc., analytical report of the Global Innovation Index states that the share of R&D expenditures in construction is only 2.9%. One of the reasons for such a low rate is that a significant part of new technological developments implemented in construction, originate from other industries, namely metallurgy, forestry and woodworking, chemical industries and others. It is established that innovation inertia of Ukrainian construction companies is determined by buildings and structures prolonged operation, during which the faults of the used technology may be revealed as well as builders’ high responsibility for the result, since construction products must be safe for people’s lives. In order to implement the strategy of construction company innovative development, it is suggested to create the success factors of innovation and investment development, which are balanced and to some extent interdependent. Adequate assessment these factors impact will enable choosing the right direction of construction business innovation and investment development and construction industry in general under pandemic and growing economic selfishness.

Liana Ptashchenko, Lyudmyla Svystun, Maya Chechelashvili, Kateryna Shtepenko
Social, Financial and Ecological-Energy Criteria for Making Management Decisions in Construction

The construction industry functioning on an up-to-date stage of economic development requires the implementation of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness principles, which is in line with global trends in sustainable development. Transformation processes have been encouraged construction companies to adapt their management decisions to meet the needs of construction products consumers. It has been really important under condition of the urbanization level growing.Main trends and features of the construction industry of Ukraine and European countries have been analyzed; problems of the industry functioning during the pandemic have been identified. On the empirical research basis, financial and ecological-energy criteria of the housing choice by buyers in Ukraine have been substantiated, and also priorities changes in dynamics have been investigated. The mathematical function for making managerial decisions in construction has been formed.Also the ways for financial problems decision in building sphere taking into account possibilities of the financial market have been developed. The energy-efficient decisions in the field of real estate exploitation have been proved.

Lyudmyla Svystun, Iuliia Samoilyk, Konul Aghayeva
Prerequisites for Shadowing and Corruption in the Construction Business of Ukraine

The article reveals the content of the shadow economy and corruption as the main obstacles to construction business effective running in Ukraine. The main economic activity shadowing forms of manifestation in the construction business are studied. The prerequisites and factors of shadow economy emergence phenomenon and corruption as one of the most actual social problems of modern Ukraine are revealed. It was found that corruption covers most spheres of public life, reduces entrepreneurial activity and leads to the spread of organized crime, creates social tension and generates feeling of despair among the population. Based on a study of modern construction, it was found out that this is one of the key sectors of the national economy, which provides expanded reproduction and renewal of the main assets of the country and allows to obtain a multiplier effect from investing in construction. As a result of Ukraine’s construction functioning, the investment policy of the state is implemented, the scale and pace of individual industries development, scientific and technological progress and the efficiency of investment in all sectors of the economy are determined. It is substantiated that to restore the potential of the construction industry, to intensify small and medium-sized businesses in construction, and for capital investment, a system of measures to combat shadow processes in construction and implementation of state policy to de-shadow the economy and a targeted program to prevent and combat corruption in Ukraine are needed.

Zakhariy Varnalii, Svitlana Onyshchenko, Oleksandra Maslii, Olena Filonych
Analysis of the Role and Place of the Building Materials Industry in the Development of Azerbaijan's Economy

The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the sectoral structure of the construction materials industry in Azerbaijan, its place in the manufacturing industry, the economic results of state and private enterprises with the corresponding industry.It includes a graphical analysis of various results obtained in the production of construction materials in the country, including the number of enterprises, industrial production, number of employees, an average monthly salary in the industry, the amount of domestic and foreign investment, and other indicators.Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of organizational and technological solutions in the companies of producing construction materials, it is necessary to determine the factors affecting its production and prepare scientifically justified recommendations. Relevant recommendations and suggestions were made in order to ensure the sustainable development of the industry.

Elshad Yusifov, Ahmad Sarkarli, Volodymyr Byba, Tetiana Kushnirova
Construction Companies Vat Taxation Features in Ukraine and European Union

Features of value added tax (VAT) taxation of construction companies are considered in the research. The authors examine the current tax legislation of Ukraine and some European Union countries. It is determined that development of the national economy in general and the construction industry in particular depends on many factors, including tax structures used by the state in the legal regulation of tax relations. Considerable attention is paid to tax benefits analysis of construction companies, including tax exemptions, application of preferential tax rates, reduction of the object of taxation, establishment of simplified taxes, etc. Direct and indirect taxation benefits of construction companies may be provided by the tax legislation. It is determined that any tax benefits stimulate the development of the construction industry. The purchasing power of citizens is declining, profits of construction companies are falling, and economic development is slowing down in conditions of coronavirus spread. Therefore, the state needs to support business, including construction. It is necessary to reduce the tax burden on construction companies by establishing tax benefits. Reducing the amount of VAT will have an effect of stabilization of the buyers’ purchasing power, improving the performance of construction companies. Ukraine should use EU countries experience; find alternative sources of revenue to the state budget—non-tax revenues, including investments in business and production. Stimulation of the construction industry is an important tool for the development of the state economy, which ensures the development of other sectors of the national economy.

Iryna Pasichna, Inna Kulchii, Volodymyr Zadorozhnyy, Viktoriya Smahliuk
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Building Innovations
herausgegeben von
Prof. Volodymyr Onyshchenko
Prof. Gulchohra Mammadova
Prof. Svitlana Sivitska
Prof. Akif Gasimov
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