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01.09.2021 | The Hansen Report


Erschienen in: ATZelectronics worldwide | Ausgabe 9/2021


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The new RTS radar test system from Rohde & Schwarz is designed to simulate driving scenarios for testing radar-based driver assistance systems or the radar sensor technology of automated vehicles via an air interface. The solution consists of the AREG800A radar echo generator with a bandwidth of 4 GHz between 76 and 81 GHz as the back end, and the QAT100 antenna array as the front end, which enables the simulation of objects moving transverse to the direction of travel using up to 192 individually switchable antennas. This is said to guarantee very fine resolution as well as high switching speed and repeatability. The system integrates RF antennas and signal processors for object detection in a single chip. In order to represent complex scenarios with multiple radar sensors, the system is modular and scalable and allows any number of front ends and back ends to be combined.

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ATZelectronics worldwide / Ausgabe 9/2021
Elektronische ISSN: 2524-8804