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01.10.2022 | The Hansen Report


Erschienen in: ATZelectronics worldwide | Ausgabe 10/2022


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Vibracoustic has developed a ride-height and suspension leveling system that allows car manufacturers to offer the benefits of air suspension with less complexity and lower costs. The leveling system is designed for cars in the lower segments, including smaller EVs, and delivers 40 mm of travel at the wheel. When used on the rear axle, it can compensate for the load in the trunk, adjust the angle of incline for improved battery cooling of electric cars and provide a more comfortable loading and unloading position. If it is fitted on both the front and rear axle, it can also adjust the ground clearance to accommodate speed bumps and lower the car for high-speed driving to reduce drag and increase the car's range. At the heart of the system is an electronically controlled hydraulic actuator. The system has a leveling speed of 10 mm per second in single-axle applications and also operates when the vehicle is stationary.

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Erschienen in
ATZelectronics worldwide / Ausgabe 10/2022
Elektronische ISSN: 2524-8804