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2022 | Buch

Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries

An Overview of China

verfasst von: Wen Wang, Prof. Jinjing Jia, Prof. Yushu Liu, Prof. Peng Wang

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

Buchreihe : Understanding China


Über dieses Buch

This book focuses on the current internal and external situation China is facing both from a macro perspective and a theoretical height, and puts forward practical development strategies and diplomatic ideas. It is of great methodological significance. At home, the development thought after the conclusion of the hundred-year change is the guiding thought for China's further development, and abroad, the international communication and the construction of international order highlighted by the hundred-year change also have important reference significance for the world's development.


Chapter 1. Introduction: 500 Years? 400 Years? 300 Years? 200 Years? 100 Years? How to Understand the “Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries”?
A period of “profound changes” is the authoritative strategic judgment on global development by the Chinese officials, which has attracted great attention both domestically and internationally.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang

Changes in Politics

Chapter 2. Looking Back at World War I at the Centenary
The year 2019 marked the fifth anniversary of President Xi’s vision of a “Community of a Shared Future for Mankind” as well as the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 3. The International Pattern and World Order Under the “Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries”
A hundred years ago, China was also a superpower. But at that time, China was a decadent and dilapidated “great empire” with their citizen commonly referred to as “the Sick Men of East Asia”, and Ottoman Turkey, which was another “great empire” with their “Sick Men of West Asia” sat on opposite ends of the Eurasian continent.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 4. National Rejuvenation and Neighborhood Diplomacy Under “Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries”
A hundred years ago, when the awakened Chinese looked at this picture “The Times”, they felt extremely heavy and painful.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 5. The Responsibilities of Great Powers and Global Governance Under “Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries”
The 14th G20 Summit was held in Osaka, Japan from June 28 to 29, 2019. President Xi and heads of governments from many countries attended the summit.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 6. From “Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries” to “Human Community with a Shared Future”
Historical events are often full of coincidences, and behind the coincidences, there are always some inevitable logical connections. Exactly two years after the BRI was proposed, the 193 member states of the United Nations held the Sustainable Development Summit at its headquarters in New York on September 25, 2015.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang

Changes in Economics

Chapter 7. The Prospect: Viewing Economic History as the History of Corporates
Before we discuss the profound changes in international games that are unprecedented in a hundred years, it is necessary to define what a “game” is.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 8. Evolution: The Fifth Floor of Modernization 
The transfer of the “world factory” title to China is regarded as one of the signs of change in the world’s economic development. The term “world factory” is based on the concept of “factory” to discuss the world economic structure, i.e., treating a single factory as the most basic subject to look at the global production capacity distribution.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 9. Change: The Economy in the Age of Financialization
What is a “market economy”? The concept of a market economy is the allocation of resources through a market approach. This concept implies that a rational allocation of resources can lead to economic prosperity.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 10. The Game: Who Will Gain the Hegemony?
In the global economy in the age of financialization, the focus of the game between countries is not who has more products, but who has a stronger voice in global rule-making. The behavior of Western countries seeking economic hegemony has quietly shifted to focus on seeking rule hegemony.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 11. Trends: Possibilities for the Future Road
After World War II, the dollar as the world currency of the international monetary and financial pattern formed. Bretton Woods system stipulates that the dollar and gold peg, other currencies and the dollar peg, which means that other currencies are decoupled from gold. Thus, in the gold standard era, the issuing country of other currencies to carry out international trade, are unable to trade in gold or local currency, can only be traded in dollars. To obtain dollars, one must first sell commodities to dollar holders, or borrow dollars from dollar holders. As a result, the global marketplace formed a network structure with the United States as the “server” and the liquidity of the U.S. dollar as the link. Although in 1973, the dollar and gold also decoupled, the Bretton Woods system disintegrated, but the United States as a “server” of the global market network has not been shaken, which is the main body of the current international monetary and financial pattern.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang

Changes in Digitalization

Chapter 12. The Human Crisis in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
If you look at different versions of modern world history, it is not difficult to find a historical record of the movement of workers to destroy machines during the first industrial revolution. Since the age of steam, the faster the evolution of machines, the more intense the crisis felt by man, and the struggle of man against machines has never stopped.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 13. Assessment and Governance of the Digital Society
The digital society is a dynamic concept. The concept reflects a result of the adoption of new modes of information communication and interaction in modern society at home, work, education, and play. Technological developments have always impacted society in unexpected ways. Over the past 20 years, society has experienced digitalization at an astonishing rate. Most people around us now have a cell phone that connects to the Internet at all times. And in the next decade, the pace of global development will accelerate even further. People around the world are already connected to each other via computers, tablets and smartphones. In the coming years, there will be billions more interconnected sensors, transmitters, cameras and other wireless communication devices and objects.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 14. China’s Version of the Global Interconnection Concept
The Digital Silk Road was proposed on May 14, 2017, when President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the “BRI” Summit Forum on International Cooperation in Beijing and delivered a keynote speech entitled “Joining Hands to Promote the Construction of the BRI”.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 15. Future Prospects of Blockchain Development
After experiencing the heat of blockchain in 2017–2018, blockchain development began to gradually return to a normal pace of development in 2019. One can’t help but ask, facing the future, is there a future for blockchain? This chapter is based on a historical review and mathematical theory of the period from 2008 to 2018, and looks at the future development of blockchain.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Chapter 16. “The Death of the West” and the Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries
In August 2019, Barack Obama’s first production, “The American Factory,” was a huge success. The documentary tells the story of the Chinese Fuyao Glass Group, which built a factory in Dayton, Ohio, in 2014, giving a new lease on life to a failing factory. The film focuses on the cultural differences and contradictions between China and the United States, and the eventual process of bridging the gap between the two sides to profitability.
Wen Wang, Jinjing Jia, Yushu Liu, Peng Wang
Profound Changes Unseen in Centuries
verfasst von
Wen Wang
Prof. Jinjing Jia
Prof. Yushu Liu
Prof. Peng Wang
Springer Nature Singapore
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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