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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

PRONTO: Prompt-Based Detection of Semantic Containment Patterns in MLMs

verfasst von : Alessandro De Bellis, Vito Walter Anelli, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio

Erschienen in: The Semantic Web – ISWC 2024

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Masked Language Models (MLMs) like BERT and RoBERTa excel at predicting missing words based on context, but their ability to understand deeper semantic relationships is still being assessed. While MLMs have demonstrated impressive capabilities, it is still unclear if they merely exploit statistical word co-occurrence or if they can capture a deeper, structured understanding of meaning, similar to how knowledge is organized in ontologies. This is a topic of increasing interest, with researchers seeking to understand how MLMs might internally represent concepts like ontological classes and semantic containment relations (e.g., sub-class and instance-of). Unveiling this knowledge could have significant implications for Semantic Web applications, but it necessitates a profound understanding of how these models express such relationships. This work investigates whether MLMs can understand these relationships, presenting a novel approach to automatically leverage the predictions returned by MLMs to discover semantic containment relations in unstructured text. We achieve this by constructing a verbalizer, a system that translates the model’s internal predictions into classification labels. Through a comprehensive probing procedure, we assess the method’s effectiveness, reliability, and interpretability. Our findings demonstrate a key strength of MLMs: their ability to capture semantic containment relationships. These insights bring significant implications for MLM application in ontology construction and aligning text data with ontologies.

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For all the adopted PLMs, we employ the pre-trained checkpoints available at https://​huggingface.​co/​.
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PRONTO: Prompt-Based Detection of Semantic Containment Patterns in MLMs
verfasst von
Alessandro De Bellis
Vito Walter Anelli
Tommaso Di Noia
Eugenio Di Sciascio