2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Prototyping the Autonomous Flight Algorithms Using the Prepar3D® Simulator
verfasst von : Krzysztof Daniec, Paweł Iwaneczko, Karol Jędrasiak, Aleksander Nawrat
Erschienen in: Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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This article concerns prototyping of the control algorithms for unmanned flying objects using the virtual reality. More specifically, there is discussed an integration between simulation environment and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control software. This integration is based on software in the loop simulation. The control software uses PI controllers cascade, which stabilize the aircraft in the simulated air. Used simulator is Prepar3D® from Lockheed Martin corporation. Implemented algorithms that are used to control the UAV in simulation environment can be used to future prototype of vision based algorithms. All implemented algorithms are presented along with the developed software, which we are using to navigate the flying object on real map.