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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Putting Humans First

Digitisation of Government Services from the Citizen’s Perspective

verfasst von : Michiel Scheltema, Ivar Timmer

Erschienen in: Liquid Legal – Humanization and the Law

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Many countries experience waning public trust in government, while digitisation of society is on the rise and public authorities continue to further digitise their services. If governments do not pay enough attention to the perspective of citizens and adopt a citizen-centric approach while designing digital services, accessibility of government services may decrease and further erode public trust. Against this background, this chapter explores the digitisation of government services from a citizen’s perspective, with a special focus on the role of the law and legal professionals. The chapter is based on the experiences of the authors over the past years with using digitisation to enhance citizens’ access to the law and to improve the way in which (internal and external) processes of public legal departments work.
In current practice, the logic of the law often requires that citizens split up their problems or requests for help and approach different government bodies for different aspects of their problem. Well-designed digital government services put real-life problems that citizens experience first and combine all regulations that offer possible solutions, thus reducing complexity for the citizen and increasing their capacity to act. The limited capacity for personal contact can then be reserved for those citizens that need it. From a legal perspective, it is essential that government services are based on a traceable and transparent connection to the underlying regulations, using external knowledge models. Current government practices leave a lot to be desired in this respect. Methodologies are available to create these connections and are an important element for designing legally sound and citizen-centric government services.

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See generally Coglianese (2021), p. 3 on the increasing use of algorithms in administrative law and the challenge to ensure that an automated state is also an empathic one.
Dudly et al. (2015).
See generally Tyler and Lind (1988).
European Commission for democracy through law/Venice Commission (2021). Opinion on the legal protection of citizens. Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 128th Plenary Session, p. 26. url: https://​www.​venice.​coe.​int/​webforms/​documents/​?​pdf=​CDL-AD(2021)031-e.
Ibid., p. 28.
A general discussion of the possibilities of digital procedures can be found in Susskind (2019).
Instead of this knowledge ‘being locked up in the system’, see Lokin (2018) (see p. 297 of the English summary).
The research of Lokin (2018) in the previous note is a good example.
In today’s practice, most regulations require some form of digital execution, albeit partially, making these methodologies important for virtually all new regulations. Council of State (2021).
See generally, Van Eck (2018) (p. 440 for a summary in English).
The experiment is led bij ICTU: the Dutch centre of expertise for government ICT. See https://​www.​ictu.​nl/​about-us.
See e.g. Downe (2020). This book formulates principles of service design and, based on, among other things, work on redesigning services for the UK government.
See also, Ranchordas (2022, forthcoming).
Also see footnote 5, p. 27.
Initially developed by the Hague Institute for the Innovation of Law (see footnote 1), currently implemented independently by Justice42, under the name
This concept has been derived, in part, from the literature on responsive law, a term coined by Philip Nonett and Philip Selznick. See generally Nonett and Selznick (1978).
See generally, Kahneman et al. (2021).
See generally, Thaler and Sunstein (2009).
The Dutch government program ‘Mens centraal’ (or: ‘putting humans first’) is a good example of this ‘thinking in life events’. It uses, among other things, the insights of the WRR-report and ‘no wrong door-principles’ in exploring how to redesign procedures related to unemployment benefits and governmental services for unemployed citizens. See (in Dutch): https://​www.​programmamenscen​traal.​nl/​levensgebeurteni​ssen/​werkloos/​werkwijze-en-betrokken-organisaties/​er-ontstaat-ruimte-voor-echte-verbeteringen.
See note 5.
An important case in this respect was the so-called AERIUS-case; a verdict by the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State, the country’s highest general administrative court. AERIUS is a digital system to determine nitrogen depositions. It is used by governmental bodies when issuing permits in the field of environmental law, see https://​www.​raadvanstate.​nl/​uitspraken/​@107500/​201600614-1-r2/​.
In Dutch: Wendbare wetsuitvoering.
Also see footnote 4.
The ambition is to support all steps with open source software in the near future. Currently, some steps still use software that requires licences.
Zurück zum Zitat Coglianese C (2021) Administrative law in the automated state. Daedalus 150:3CrossRef Coglianese C (2021) Administrative law in the automated state. Daedalus 150:3CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Downe L (2020) How to design services that work. BIS Publishers, Amsterdam Downe L (2020) How to design services that work. BIS Publishers, Amsterdam
Zurück zum Zitat Kahneman D, Sibony O, Sunstein CR (2021) Noise: a flaw in human judgment. Little Brown Spark, New York Kahneman D, Sibony O, Sunstein CR (2021) Noise: a flaw in human judgment. Little Brown Spark, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Lokin MHAF (2018) Wendbaar wetgeven, De wetgever als systeembeheerder, ‘NILG serie: Governance & Recht’. Boom Juridisch, Den Haag Lokin MHAF (2018) Wendbaar wetgeven, De wetgever als systeembeheerder, ‘NILG serie: Governance & Recht’. Boom Juridisch, Den Haag
Zurück zum Zitat Nonett P, Selznick P (1978) Law and society in transition: toward responsive law. Harper & Row, New York Nonett P, Selznick P (1978) Law and society in transition: toward responsive law. Harper & Row, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Ranchordas S (2022, forthcoming) Empathy in the digital administrative state. Duke Law J 72 Ranchordas S (2022, forthcoming) Empathy in the digital administrative state. Duke Law J 72
Zurück zum Zitat Scientific Council for Government Policy (2017) Weten is nog geen doen. Een realistisch perspectief op redzaamheid. WRR, Den Haag Scientific Council for Government Policy (2017) Weten is nog geen doen. Een realistisch perspectief op redzaamheid. WRR, Den Haag
Zurück zum Zitat Susskind R (2019) Online courts and the future of justice. Oxford University Press, OxfordCrossRef Susskind R (2019) Online courts and the future of justice. Oxford University Press, OxfordCrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Thaler RH, Sunstein CR (2009) Nudge. Penguin, New York Thaler RH, Sunstein CR (2009) Nudge. Penguin, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Tyler TR, Lind EA (1988) The social psychology of procedural justice. Springer Science, New York Tyler TR, Lind EA (1988) The social psychology of procedural justice. Springer Science, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Van Eck M (2018) Geautomatiseerde ketenbesluiten & rechtsbescherming: Een onderzoek naar de praktijk van geautomatiseerde ketenbesluiten over een financieel belang in relatie tot rechtsbescherming. Tilburg University, Tilburg Van Eck M (2018) Geautomatiseerde ketenbesluiten & rechtsbescherming: Een onderzoek naar de praktijk van geautomatiseerde ketenbesluiten over een financieel belang in relatie tot rechtsbescherming. Tilburg University, Tilburg
Putting Humans First
verfasst von
Michiel Scheltema
Ivar Timmer