Ausgabe Sonderheft 4/2023 Special Issue: Advanced Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM) Applications in Social Sciences
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Introduction to advanced partial least squares path modeling
Enrico Ciavolino, Jun-Hwa Cheah, Biagio Simonetti
Modeling indices using partial least squares: How to determine the optimum weights?
- Open Access
University image, hard skills or soft skills: Which matters most for which graduate students?
Giuseppe Lamberti, Aluja-Banet Tomas, Trinchera Laura
Heightening citizenship behaviours of academicians through transformational leadership: Evidence based interventions
Nauman Majeed, Samia Jamshed
Advancing on weighted PLS-SEM in examining the trust-based recommendation system in pioneering product promotion effectiveness
Mei Peng Low, Tat-Huei Cham, Yee-Shan Chang, Xin-Jean Lim
The effect of servant leadership on employee outcomes: does endogeneity matter?
Rosa-Díaz Isabel, Martín-Ruiz David, Cepeda-Carrión Gabriel
Driving loyalty intentions of mobile games: a motivation theory perspective
Man Lai Cheung, Wilson K. S. Leung, Ludwig M. K. Chang, Si Shi
Inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviour: the mediating role of job autonomy
Rashed Mahmud Shakil, Mumtaz Ali Memon, Hiram Ting