Ausgabe 4/2024
Inhalt (44 Artikel)
Age-period-cohort analysis of U.S. fertility: a realistic approach
- Open Access
Francesco Billari, Rebecca Graziani
“I have to pick a percentage now”: indeterminate meanings of moderate survey responses
Ken Cai Kowalski, Andrew J. Perrin
Simulation of Covid-19 contamination in a student network using the concept of centrality in graphs
Pâmela de Carvalho Marques Silva, Renata Raposo Del-Vecchio, Atila Arueira Jones
On the association between gender-science stereotypes’ endorsement and gender bias attribution
- Open Access
Elena De Gioannis
The effects of human capital and social capital on well-being using SEM: evidence from the Moroccan case
Amal Hmimou, Mohammed Kaicer, Yousfi El Kettani
Lower-to-upper secondary school transition: a Bayesian Lasso approach in data modelling
Patrizio Frederic, Michele Lalla
Hi! Tell me how to do it: examination of undergraduate students’ chatbot-integrated course experiences
Beyza Aksu Dünya, Hatice Yıldız Durak
Multidimensional poverty: an analysis of definitions, measurement tools, applications and their evolution over time through a systematic review of the literature up to 2019
- Open Access
Ida D’Attoma, Mariagiulia Matteucci
A systematic literature review of mitigating cyber security risk
Syafila Kamarudin, Lian Tang, Jusang Bolong, Nor Azura Adzharuddin
Finding the structure of parliamentary motions in the Swedish Riksdag 1971–2015
- Open Access
Bastiaan Bruinsma, Moa Johansson
Assessing conceptual comparability of single-item survey instruments with a mixed-methods approach
- Open Access
Ranjit Konrad Singh, Cornelia Eva Neuert, Tenko Raykov
Awakening the beauty: a journey through dormant gems in strategic management literature
Sepideh Fahimifar, Elmira Janavi, Fatemeh Fadaei
Psychological contract breach and employee engagement: moderation of role of a high-performance work system
Irfan Hyder Soomro, Zahida Abro, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad
The relationship between firm size and efficiency: why does default on bank loans matter?
- Open Access
Agnese Rapposelli, Giuliana Birindelli, Michele Modina
Understanding the dynamic of government expenditures for disability and other social benefits: evidence from a Lotka–Volterra model for the Netherlands
Chiara Natalie Focacci, Peter Mascini, Romke van der Veen
Testing structural equation model fit in psychological studies: A replication study using equivalence testing
Katerina M. Marcoulides, Ke-Hai Yuan
Exploring local well-being and vulnerability through OpenStreetMap: the case of Italy
Federico Ninivaggi, Eleonora Cutrini
Modeling the impact of control strategies on malaria and COVID-19 coinfection: insights and implications for integrated public health interventions
Adesoye Idowu Abioye, Olumuyiwa James Peter, Emmanuel Addai, Festus Abiodun Oguntolu, Tawakalt Abosede Ayoola
Predictive power of composite socioeconomic indices for targeted programs: principal components and partial least squares
Stefanía D’Iorio, Liliana Forzani, Rodrigo García Arancibia, Ignacio Girela
The impact of public infrastructure investment on South Africa’s economy: evidence from social accounting matrix and computable general equilibrium-based approaches
- Open Access
Vandudzai Mbanda, Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
Assessing the usefulness of PPGIS for qualitative exploration of human relationships with places: an empirical study
Michal Rzeszewski, Tomasz Sowada, Jacek Kotus
Gender inequalities in social club participation in Europe: the role of women’s empowerment at the country level
- Open Access
Aïda Solé-Auró, Bruno Arpino
Does intellectual capital curb the long-term effect of information security breaches on firms’ market value?
Syed Emad Azhar Ali, Fong-Woon Lai, Ahmad Ali Jan, Haseeb ur Rahman, Syed Quaid Ali Shah, Salaheldin Hamad
Top–down disaggregation of life expectancy up to municipal areas, using linear self-regressive spatial models
- Open Access
Vincenzo Basile, Stefano Cervellera, Carlo Cusatelli, Massimiliano Giacalone
Scale matters: unravelling the impact of Likert scales on political self-placement
- Open Access
Cristina Aybar, Virgilio Pérez, Jose M. Pavía
Prevalence of psychological distress among health sciences students: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Afaf Saleh Almansoof, Emad Masuadi, Amani Al-Muallem, Sajida Agha
Validation of an instrument for measuring the competitiveness of tourism service enterprises: the case of Mexico and Peru
Delfino Vargas-Chanes, José Carlos González-Núñez, Liliana Raquel Ruiz-Fuentes
The return of non-probability sample: the electoral polls at the time of internet and social media
- Open Access
Giovanni Di Franco
The extreme upper tail of Japan’s citation distribution reveals its research success
- Open Access
Alonso Rodríguez-Navarro, Ricardo Brito
Usury vulnerability: measuring and modelling the phenomenon in Italy
- Open Access
Sonia Stefanizzi, Tatiana Lysova
From revenge to compromise: women’s strategies in the face of polygamy
Mostafa Zahirinia, Yaser Rastegar, Malihe Rahmanian
Asymmetric adjustments between energy and labour efficiencies in India: new evidence using sectoral panel data analysis
Bamadev Mahapatra, Mohd Irfan
Production-based carbon emission, and transportation in China: probing the role of clean energy based on simulation and machine learning
Syed Tauseef Hassan, Salahuddin khan, Danish, Muhammad Sadiq
LGBT sexuality and gender minority experiences of minority stress: a comparison of models and theories
- Open Access
Bethany Moorhead, Hannah Kate Lewis, Liam Arnull
A statistical-mathematical procedure to estimate the output effect of wage rigidities
Rosa Ferrentino, Luca Vota
Correction: A statistical-mathematical procedure to estimate the output effect of wage rigidities
- Correction
Rosa Ferrentino, Luca Vota
Correction: The changing face of HR professionals’ expectations amidst COVID-19: a comparison in between Sri Lanka and foreign context
- Correction
Weerarathna R. S, Rathnayake R. M. N. M, Perera L. R. H. G, Kaluarachchi K. R. M, Arambawatta L. V, Weligodapola H. W. M. C