2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Quantitative Evaluation of a Real-Time Non-rigid Registration of a Parametric Model of the Aorta for a VR-Based Catheterization Guidance System
verfasst von : P. Fontanilla-Arranz, B. Rodriguez-Vila, H. Fontenelle, J. Tarjuelo-Gutiérrez, O. J. Elle, E. J. Gómez
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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This work presents a real time non-rigid registration method for a parametric model of the aorta based on computer animation techniques. The endovascular system is modeled as a polygonal mesh and a skeletal structure, both calculated automatically from segmented pre-operative images. The skeleton, registered using linear regression methods, supports an adaptive triangular mesh, both adapting in real time to the longitudinal deformations and changes affecting the aorta during the procedure. These changes are offered to the surgeon as part of a virtual-reality catheterization guidance system. The initial evaluation shows that the algorithm and implementation are able to handle up to 5 situation updates per second while maintaining a mean registration error of 1,012 mm and a maximum of 4.346 mm, thus effectively supporting real-time navigation.