2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Real-Time Optimized Rendezvous on Nonholonomic Resource-Constrained Robots
verfasst von : Sven Gowal, Alcherio Martinoli
Erschienen in: Experimental Robotics
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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In this work, we consider a group of differential-wheeled robots endowed with noisy relative positioning capabilities. We develop a decentralized approach based on a receding horizon controller to generate, in real-time, trajectories that guarantee the convergence of our robots to a common location (i.e. rendezvous).Our receding horizon controller is tailored around two numerical optimization methods: the hybrid-state A* and trust-region algorithms. To validate both methods and test their robustness to computational delays, we perform exhaustive experiments on a team of four real mobile robots equipped with relative positioning hardware.